Story Title: 🎵Kokoa and the Music Box🎵♡Mario the Music Box x Author Inserts♡
Story FT: MonarchChaos
Book Cover:
Trailer Plot: Meet Bonnie Kokoa Vanilla, a young adult who graduated from Highschool and living a normal life. Kokoa decided to move in with her boyfriend after graduating and life has been very normal and calm. However, one day, Kokoa has been hearing about an abandoned haunted mansion inside the deep forest that a lot of people has been disappearing lately, and curiosity got the better of her.
You know what they say; "Curiosity kills the cat". One stormy night, Kokoa decided to investigate the abandoned massive mansion and hopes to find out why the place was haunted. Kokoa didn't bother to tell her boyfriend that she left to investigate the place, knowing full well that he'll be more than worry about her safety. Unfortunately for Kokoa, sooner or later, she'll eventually find out why the haunted mansion is a death trap.
Later, Kokoa finds a music box and everything goes wrong. Will Kokoa survive, make good choices, and escape this never-ending nightmare or will she either die, go into madness, or be gone forever? Let's see how this story goes.
Full Name: Bonnie Kokoa Vanilla
Age: 20
Species/Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
June 23, 2023
Time: 6:29 am
Words: 230
My Very Own Story Ideas For The Future, Please Enjoy!
Fanfiction♡Welcome All, Readers!♡ (Book 1) Ara~, welcome to my very own story idea book. Here, I'll be bringing many ideas for this account ONLY! I'll only work on the stories if you guys/gals are interested♡. Please enjoy my ideas. Don't forget to vote, shar...