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-Shataya POV-
*I'm still laying on the bed waiting for Chantelle to come back with some information on the babies then hopefully go home and relax. Dominiquè is still here in the room.*
Me: Why you really here?
Dominiquè: I legit wanted to see Chantelle. Don't you think I might sometimes miss her a bit?
Me: I dunno
Dominiquè: Well I do! Sorry
Me: Ok
Dominiquè: I didn't know we were going shopping after...
*I was...but now I come to think about it, how awkward would it be when he doesn't even love me and I do.*
Me: Not anymore...
Dominiquè: Shataya you can't get angry at me because I love someone else too
Me: What do you mean too?
Dominiquè: I love you and Chantelle, but you can't expect me to have waited for you to come back. I had to move on. Obviously I think about you everyday--
Me: But--
*Chantelle comes in looking confused patting her weave. I instantly change the subject*
Me:---It's a great idea
Chantelle: What is?
Me: You don't mind if I tell her do you Dominiquè?
Dominiquè: Well we promised never to keep secrets from each other. .
Me: Dominiquè bought two tickets to go to Ibiza for the weekend and your attending a boat party
Dominiquè : WHAT??
Chantelle: Why you so surprised?
Dominiquè: I - I-I ju-just---
Me: He didn't want me to tell you all the details. He really didn't want you to find out about the boat party until the actual day you got there!! Right Dominiquè?
Dominiquè: Yeah
Chantelle: Awww...Thank you baby
*She hugs him, so tight you could see his vains started to pop through his skin. Chantelle walks back to me and behind her, Dominiquè is giving me an almost demonic look.*
Chantelle: Sorry, I don't usually get as many surprises from him
Me: No problem. I know how much he loves you
Chantelle: Anyways, I'm just going to run through the ultrasound one last time just because the Consultant told me to.
*I look at the babies and they still look amazing. I get the same feeling as before. She finishes and I sit up on the bed.*
Chantelle: Ok...The Consultant had told me to look at the fetuses again because usually they'd be a little different, however I can see a few differences between the two. Specifically the size between them.
Me: What does mean?
Chantelle: I'm clueless about it, but the Consultant will call you later on in the day to tell you what it is.
Me: It's most likely to be a twin developing slower than the other but we're just worried about why.
Me: Oh God!
Chantelle: Don't be worried Shataya, It happens to many people. I've particularly never been a midwife to a patient with twins.
Me: Well congratulations
Chantelle: Thank you. Anyways you're all done
Me: Bye.
*I walk out and feel kind of drowned. I look back and see Dominiquè running after me. I collect the photo of my scan.*
Dominiquè: What the hell is wrong with you.
Me: Leave me alone Dominiquè.
Dominiquè: Why would you say that for?
Me: I don't know...
Dominiquè: You do know
*I speed walk towards the bus stop, but he catches up to me and grabs my hand.*
Me: What does it matter? I've made her happy for you. You should be happy too
Dominiquè: Not when I have to spend a huge amount of money out of the blue.
Me: Your point is
Dominiquè: Why do it?
Me: If i'm gonna be real with you Dominiquè, I have a vice of letting people walk all over me. And i cant take it no more. It needs to stop
I keep letting people get in my way just make let feel better about themselves. Why do I do it? I DUNNO! Do I have the solution? Of course. And that's to get my own back sometimes. To make me feel good. Goodbye
*I signal for the bus to stop and pull my bus pass out of my bag.*
Dominiquè: I said I love you too. Just wait a minute, Shataya...
Me: Goodbye!
*I step onto the bus and find a seat. I look at the picture and think...what have I done to my life..The answers are endless.*

-Dominiquè POV-
*I watch her take a seat and watch the bus leave. I love Shataya. I adore her. If I could I would leave Chantelle and have Shataya all to myself. Just me and her. And that's exactly what I want to do. I would give the world to her. But Chantelle is also beautiful and amazing. It's just her parents that get in the way of things. They control us. It makes things worse now she knows thinks that we're spending a weekend in Ibiza on a boat party. I'd prefer to be with Taya.
Shataya is all I want and need. Sounds corny but I don't care. She's mine and I don't want her to know that I'm fighting for her until I've won her over. I walk back to the hospital and Chantelle is sat on the bed.*
Chantelle: There's an hour left until my next appointment with one of the patients. Should we go out.
Me: Shouldn't you be helping with the thing that's happening with Shataya?
Chantelle: You were actually paying attention
Me: Yeah, did I not say that I was here to watch you work.
Chantelle: Then what was the surprise all about. Was you here just to see Shataya?
*Of course. I want full responsibility over those to children. I don't care who their dad is.*
Me: Nah Nahhh.... It was a reward for all your hard work. Your parents would be proud.
Chantelle: We should tell them.
Me: Huh
Chantelle: I'll invite them round for dinner.
Me: I wanted to spend time with you tomorrow
Chantelle: That'll be another day. I'll call them after work.

-Shataya POV-
*I'm feeling drowsy and my feet are gonna give up on me any minute. I get home and grab a bottle of water from the fridge and a slice of ham,then take a seat on the sofa and switch on the TV, which is currently showing the house makeover programme. I hear the girls upstairs playing some music. The girls told me they're going to try and cheer up Shataya because she's kinda ill. I start thinking about what's going to happen. I'm really annoyed at Dominiquè and now I'm starting to see why him and Tyrone used to hang a sometimes at school. They weren't close but they had things common and talked.*
{Phone ringing....}
Me: What do you want?
Tyrone: I just want to see how you are.
Me: I'm fine
Tyrone: Good
*I think this through and try to test him. He didn't pass the loyalty test but what about honesty and trust...*
Me: Hows your trip?
Tyrone: Long...I've been...err...working everyday
Me: Oh really
Tyrone: What do you mean?
Me: Nothing, you're just always filled with energy
Tyrone: Oh. is my baby girl?
Me: Who??
Tyrone: Kayla
Me: Ohhh...She...She's great
Tyrone: Can I speak to her
Me: NO
Tyrone: Sorry
Me:...She's. .eerrr...sleeping
Tyrone: Wake her up...doesn't she always want to talk to me
Me: She's not well
Tyrone: mmmmm...
Tyrone: Got to go
Me: Why?
Tyrone: Won't be able to receive connection in this area
Me: What area?
Tyrone: It's called (crackling noises)
{Phone Call Ended}
*He really takes me for a fool. I'm starting to wish I hadn't met him at all. Look where I am now. Sitting alone when my 'baby daddy' is in another country and the man I love, doesn't even want me. My mum and dad aren't here. My grandma hates me deep inside and no one really wants me around. To be honest, I'd like to end it. I can't take it no more. I hate my life!*

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