If You Need Me, I'll Be In a Bad Mood

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Nyssa and Jake look at Ara and speak at the same time. "He's joking."

When she doesn't debunk Leo's announcement, the crowd goes wild.

"Heroes!" Chiron stomps the floor several times. "All the details are not clear yet, but Leo is correct. He will need your help to build the Argo II. It is perhaps the greatest project Cabin Nine has ever undertaken, even greater than the bronze dragon."

"It'll take a year at least," Nyssa shakes her head. "Do we have that much time?"

"You have six months at most. You should sail by summer solstice, when the gods' power is strongest. Besides, we evidently cannot trust the wind gods, and the summer winds are the least powerful and easiest to navigate. You dare not sail any later, or you may be too late to stop the giants. You must avoid ground travel, using only air and sea, so this vehicle is perfect. Jason being the son of the sky god..."

Ara gulps... air and sea. So that must be why Hera took Percy, because he's more useful than she is, in more ways than one.

"Well, one thing's for sure," Jake turns to Leo. "You are now senior counselor. This is the biggest honor the cabin has ever had. Anyone object?" The rest of the campers just smile as a response. "It's official, then, you're the man. Which means," Jake smirks at Ara. "Birdy's got to get acquainted with the new administration. Have fun, you two."

"Well," a tentative smile forms on Leo's face, his skin glows golden, though faintly. "If you guys elect me leader, you must be even crazier than I am. So let's build a spankin' hot war machine!" 

Ara nods, greenlighting Leo's project, and that's enough to make everyone spring to action. The campers scatter around the bunker, Piper and Jason go to Leo, and Chiron approaches her. "We need to talk."

Ara raises a brow. "Gee, I wonder..."

"You're angry, and rightfully so," Chiron scowls. "But I'm not the only one who's keeping secrets."

Ara calls after her lion and together they leave the bunker. The creature bumps against her back, almost throwing her face-first on the grass. "Easy, boy!" She huffs. "Go chase dryads—but don't kill them!"

The lion runs out of sight. Chiron observes him as he goes away, sighing. "You've surpassed my expectations."

"Er... Thank you?" She replies unsure.

"The Fates chose you because you were special," he crosses his arms. "Taming the Nemean lion is only the latest of great deeds you've accomplished, as impressive as the time you impersonated Achilles—"

"What's your point?" Ara interrupts him. "My scolding senses are tingling, man."

"The night after you got chosen, you were given a prophecy," Chiron doesn't look angry, only disappointed, which is way worse. "Why did you hide it from me?"

Ara feels a heavy weight fall over her shoulders, she looks away grumpily. "I hid it from everyone."

"That wasn't the question."

"What was I supposed to do? I said I'd keep this camp safe, I couldn't get up the next day and go—'Sorry guys! I got a prophecy saying I'm gonna release a curse on the world! Guess I'm not here to protect you!'"

"Ara, a shunned prophecy is like a time bomb—"

"I thought I was done with it!" She exclaims. "Have you heard the whole thing?"

"Yes," he raises a brow. "Rachel recited it the moment you left for the quest. It was lucky she did it, too. Four months, Ara, you let that prophecy stir—"

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