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Lily's P.O.V


I didn't know why Matthew ran. Though, it wasn't the time to figure out why. He was in danger. I wasn't going to let him die. None of us were.

We all ran towards Matthew. Well, it was more like Lawrence after Matthew, me after Matthew, and Eugene after me.

As soon as we got to the horde, we saw Matthew attempting to defend himself, with the axe that was once mine. I only had one axe to use, but that was fine by me. Matthew had self-defense, and my concern at that moment was to make sure he was defended.

All of us fought for our own lives as well as Matthew's, doing whatever we could to save him. Lawrence was the most aggressive one. The most... scary. The zombies were obliterated by him before a blink of an eye. He was covered in blood, and he wasn't even phased. He wasn't new to this, was he?

"Lily, get down!" The familiar blonde's voice shouted. Without a thought, I had listened to his direction and ducked. It had caused a zombie to tumble over me onto the ground face first. Eugene took that moment to stomp it on the head which caused the head to deteriorate under his foot. "Are you okay?" He asked, worry struck in his eyes.

His eyes. They were just as beautiful as the day I had lost him.

I nodded quickly and tried to ignore the way I stared into his eyes. If I could've looked just a bit longer, I would've. I had a friend to save though. I had to push whatever I felt aside, and focus on the person who needed me at that moment. Matthew.

At every chance I got, I would attempt to either decapitate the zombie or cut off one of it's limbs to make their journey to try and eat us a lot harder.

"Ah!" A scream was heard from Matthew. Me and Eugene turned our heads to him in an instant but before we could fully see what happened, Lawrence was already beating a zombie to close to nothing. "Lawrence, it's fine-"

"Let's go!" Lawrence interrupted his younger brother and grabbed his wrist. He dashed away while he pulled his little brother with him, not even bothering with leaving both me and Eugene behind.

"Lily, let's go!" Eugene spoke and followed the footsteps of Lawrence. He grabbed my wrist and ran towards the direction of the siblings, getting further and further away from the horde. Eugene was quick on his feet which would occasionally cause me to stumble, but he was too busy on trying to get us to safety to notice.

We were running for our lives at this point. We were scared, terrified, because we were about to be surrounded. A part of my mind wanted to blame Matthew, but he was under an emotional state. I couldn't blame him, he was my friend and he did what he did with a purpose. As long that he was alive and safe, I could not get mad at him.

Though, I wasn't sure about Eugene.

When we had made it to a quiet and secluded area, Eugene turned and walked up right to Matthew with anger. Then he punched him.

"Eugene!" I shouted at him and pulled him away from Matthew, who's glasses had fallen off from the impact.

Lawrence went to step up to Eugene with anger in his eyes, the same look he had when he was killing those zombies. "Lawrence, back off!" I moved to stand in front in Eugene and Lawrence stopped walking. He closed his eyes as if he was trying to calm himself down. Then, he just turned around and walked over to pick up Matthew's glasses and give them back to him.

Everyone was silent for a small moment. "Why did you do that?" Eugene broke the silence, annoyance evident in his voice, but he tried his best to hold back his anger and annoyance.

"I need to feel needed and I need it more than I let on," Matthew spoke when he adjusted his glasses, somehow seeming as if he felt no embarrassment to just open his mind and heart. He looked up and turned to look at Lawrence. Everyone took that as the sign that he was doing it for Lawrence's attention.

Lawrence sighed. "Louis-"

"Matthew." He corrected his older brother.

Lawrence sighed. "Matthew," He changed his wording. "You had no reason to put yourself and all of us in danger."

"I only meant to put myself in danger,"

"Did you really believe that not even one of us would run after you?" I had finally spoken up, almost offended by his words due to the fact that he didn't think we were close enough for at least me to go and save him.

Matthew looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry. I know. I wasn't thinking. I had a feeling at least Lily would come for me, but I didn't expect... it to get that bad." He spoke with sadness and guilt. It was easy to tell that he truly meant for no one to be put in danger. Unfortunately, his plan did not go the way he wanted and more zombies were around than he had expected.

"Lily, can I talk to you?" Eugene had nudged me. "Alone?" He added. I nodded at him and he pulled me aside.

He stuck his hands into his hoodie pocket. "Why do you care about him so much?" He spoke with a mumble.

"Because he's my friend," I responded to him with confusion, unsure as to how he didn't understand that. "Matthew is a good person and I would protect him any time he needed it."

Eugene closed his eyes with a sigh. "I know, I know, I'm stupid for asking," He began quickly. "I just... you know... was curious. And I guess I'm curious if you'd do the same for me?" He spoke meekly and looked me in the eyes with something I could only describe as hope.

I nodded immediately. "Of course I would, Eugene," I spoke with honesty and care. "In a heartbeat, I would save you. In a heartbeat, I would be there for you."

Eugene's face was dusted with pink. "I would, in a heartbeat, do the same for you. I want you to know that, okay?" He let out a deep breath. It was hard for Eugene to be so vulnerable like this. What scared him? "I can't lose you. I can't lose you too. Got it?" His voice began to go back to his whiny ways. "So don't do something stupid like that again!"

I lightly chuckled at his change of tone as he returned to the Eugene I knew. "I won't, Eugene. I promise." I said and stuck out my pinky. "Pinky promise."

He sighed. "Pinky promises are for kids, Lily," He rolled his eyes. I just pouted with puppy dog eyes that made him give in quickly. He hooked his pinky with my own as we squeezed. "If you break this, I'll cut off your pinky, got it?" Eugene threatened in a very non-threatening tone.

I chuckled as our pinkies parted. "Got it,"

Soon I heard a hiss coming from the brothers to my side. When me and Eugene had walked back to the two, Lawrence was rolling down Matthews jeans. Matthew was wincing as if the gesture was hurting him. "Is everything okay?" I asked.

Lawrence stayed silent as he straightened himself back up. He didn't even bother looking at me and Eugene.

From the look of pain on Matthew's face moments ago, and the wincing he had, I quickly faced him.

"Did you get bit?"

Matthew's P.O.V

"Did you get bit?" Lily asked with a look of concern.


"He didn't. I checked." Lawrence interrupted me. He looked at me knowingly. Covered in blood and guts, a look of indifference and eyes filled with ice. It was almost as if he told me to just agree. Play along.

"Yeah," I nodded without looking away from his eyes. "I wasn't."

I was. And he knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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