Chapter 19 - Old friends, new problems

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"So, tell me, Edalyn, what is your brilliant plan now?" Lilith asked me.

"Well, I don't exactly have any idea, but since we are set for now there is no rush. If you really need something we can try to check out what the kids were talking about."

"That's your plan?! I thought you carefully planned each move... Titan, how did I never catch you before."

"That's sound like a 'you' problem, I don't need a plan, my magic was always enough to get me through."

"Not anymore, may I remind you."

"It's weakened, true, but I will manage. If you need a detailed plan figure it out. Nevertheless, I will do everything my way, as always."

"As always..."

"Yep, I'm gonna go to the city to look for the rebels since this conversation is getting us nowhere, later sis."

"Edalyn, it's not wise to go there now, you are a wanted criminal."

"I always was. Don't worry they won't catch me."

Finishing the sentence I went outside and summoned Owlbert. Time to figure out who is behind this whole rebel mess. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to find them but I think night market is a good place to start looking.

Just as I thought, checking the night market first was fruitful. From one of my contacts, I learned where I should look for the rebel cell, abandoned warehouses in docks—time to pay a little visit to my enthusiasts. Locating the particular warehouse wasn't an issue since it was the only one with some kind of commotion inside. On the contrary to the emperor's coven, I will give them some tips regarding security. Aiming for a dramatic entrance I busted through the main gate.

"Good evening fellow rebels, what are you up to tonight?"

Everyone in the building froze and looked at me, I think they were trying to figure out who I was but no one dared to move. Finally, someone managed to mumble a quiet "Who are you?"

"A concerned citizen that would like to join your late-night circle. Come on, who is in charge here, I would like to talk about copyright to my name and some other stuff."

A shadowy figure stepped on the balcony above everyone.

"Edalyn Clawthorne, long time no see."

The voice sounded familiar, too familiar. The mysterious person slowly walked down the stairs making my entrance pale in comparison. I wasn't quite sure who it was until I saw them in a better light.

"Raine Whispers, I should have known, indeed, long time no see. And after this 'long time' there is a lot to talk about, don't you think?"

"Sure, but let's step outside, shall we, I would rather not make a scene here."

"Fine, but I promise you, a scene it will be."

We stepped outside as Raine requested and walked away from the building.


"How dare you, showing up after all those years, after what you did."

"Eda, you know it isn't that simple."

"What isn't simple? How you left me to join a coven? I think that's pretty straightforward."

"First of all, I didn't leave you to join a coven, I left you because you were always hiding everything from me."

"Sure thing, and it makes you so mad that you named your rebel group after me."

"Well, that has nothing to do with it." Raine yelled while blushing. "We split up, yes, but it doesn't mean I didn't miss you."

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