•46•: Roller Coaster interview

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"Today I'll find out who the cleverest member of One Direction is." Liam stated. I watched the other guys stretching, getting ready.

"The test is so hard, Zayn Malik didn't even come." Liam added. I chuckled slightly.

"This is One Direction." Liam was now seated on the rollercoaster beside him was Niall, then the ride starts.
It was finally my turn, when Louis left the seat. I sat down beside Liam excited for the ride to start.

We went up the ramp, the questions began. I held on to the handles with a tight grip.

"Can I have your full name please contender?" Liam asked. I nodded. "Ariana Grande." I replied, turning my head towards him.

"How are you. Are you feeling good?" Liam questioned. I shrugged.

"I'm alright. A bit nervous." I responded.

Liam explained the rules while we were still going up. I bit my lip, getting excited.

"Okay, let's go." Liam spoke. After hearing him speak, we went down so fast making my stomach drop.

"Which 1D member's first word was cat?" Liam asked loudly.

"Harry!" I shouted, moving my hair to the side that was blocking my view from the harsh wind.

"What's 9x5?" Liam questions. I counted in my head.

"45!" I yelled. The ride went upside down. I screamed of enjoyment.

"Who are the two members of 1D that has the same middle name?" Liam asked. I immediately answered.

"You and Nialler!" I pointed at him.

The ride eventually ended. I exhaled exiting the ride, following Liam.

Liam talked to the camera.

"Ariana and Niall have tied, which means they're both winners and also the cleverest members of the band!" Liam clapped his hands.

Niall ran over to us, cheering. I gave Niall a high five.

"Yes!" I jumped around with Niall. The camera man stopped recording.

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