
86 3 0

May 2012

*Recording Little Things*

"Alright, we have a little surprise for you." Paul said, passing out the lyrics to our new song.

"Little Things," Louis snickered, laughing at, what he thought, was a sexual song.

"What's the surprise?" I asked, leaning back into Harry's chest.

"Come on in, Ed." My redhead best friend walked through the door. "Hey guys!"

"Ed!" We all shouted, running in for a group hug.

"Did you write this song, man? It's really good." Zayn flipped through the multi-paged packet.

"I just about four years ago, but I never really thought that I could sell it so I'm giving it to you guys." Ed shrugged taking a seat on the black couch.

He grabbed his guitar and started strumming the melody of the song.

Me and the boys joined in singing.

When Harry's part came, he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and sang softly in my ear. "You're perfect to me."

The song itself was already making me emotional, so the romantic singing by my crush Harry was not helping.

By the end of the song, I was in tears.

"Is everything okay, Ariana? Was it that bad?" Ed asked me, jumping up from the sofa.

"No, no. That song is... just wow. Ed, it's really, really good." I reassured him.

He let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you didn't like it because I honestly thought you would."

"I love it. Thank you so much for letting us sing it on our new album." I thanked him.

The seven of us all joined in the greatest group hug in music history.

*Recording Rock Me*

"Finally! A song about sex!" I shouted, reading the title of the new track.

"Yes it is. But you and Harry especially must promise no inappropriate lyric changes when performing this song, got it?" Paul said, eyeing me and the curly head weirdo.

"Got it." I replied, crossing my fingers behind my back.

"Well, hopefully their parents will see the title of the song and forbid the little kiddies from listening to this wonderful, wonderful song." Louis said, wrapping an arm around the Bradford boy's shoulder.

"Ooh! Louis and Zayn are gonna get it in tonight!" I teased, intimidating Louis's voice from before.

"Ha, you're oh so funny, Harry's girlfriend." Louis fired back at me, knowing that I hate it when I'm getting referred to as "Harry's girlfriend."

I fake pouted and crossed my arms across my chest. "I am too funny."

This was a common game you and Louis played, bashing each other, jokingly of course. Harry hated it.

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