A/N (not an update, sorry)

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Uh... I feel really bad because I've lost inspiration for this story. I might come back to it, but chances are slim since I'm in the middle of, like, three other fic ideas right now. I wish I could say this story will continue, but I'm really not that sure. 

For those who read the two actual chapters I've put out (and maybe the non-actual chapters), thanks for your support! I'm trying to get more writing done for me and for people who might want to read my stuff, plus there's a whole platform to explore. 

So, peace out for now y'all, thank you for reading this really bad fic, hopefully I can get around to writing more! 

-The Author 

@42idontknow, I will not tolerate any text messages about this update, because I have a feeling if I don't let you know now, I'll get a text. I love you, but not today. 

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