17:Coma Dreams

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This was supposed to be after ”confession”/ the next chapter, Bit somehow Wattpad fucked it Up


He didnt know where He was, it was defenetly a House. A House He could only Dream of. All of His friends were there. Lily, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, Mary, Dorcas,Barty, Evan, Pandora and Regulus. There was a big Grill.

Music was playing. It was Lady stardust from David Bowie. There was a little Boy running around in the Big Garden. The Boy looked alot Like him when He was Five. Only His eyes were a Grey and His hair was darker then James's. His Parents came out of the House with a Plate, a Plate füll of fruits.

”Oh Effi that Looks perfekt, Just Like you. Remember that me and Dorcas are allways Open to Take in a third person.” Marlene joked.

”Oh Well swetheart i will try to Remember. You know Monty and me that can't last forever.” Effi jocked Back patting Fleamont in the Back. They all stardet laughing.

”James dear! Get your little Boy and come over Here!” His mother then called Out.

'Your little Boy?' So this little Boy that looked so much Like him was His son? He allways wanted a child. He picked Up the Boy and Ran over. The only free Seat was next to Regulus so He sat down.

Regulus Kissed the Boy in the head and then turned to His food. He was smiling. Regulus looked Beautyfull. The Sun was shining in His face, His Smile could light Up the world and the way He treated James's son was Heart warming.

James got Two pieces of watermelon, one for him and one for the Boy. Everyone was so Happy it Made James Happy.

The Boy inhailed the water Melon and then took a Bowl of Chocolate pudding. He got the chocolate pudding all over his face and as the world filled with laughter everything slowly faded to black.

”Hello?” James asked but the Only anwser He got was His own Eco.

”What is this? Where is this? Where is everybody?” He asked confusen building Up in his chest.


It's allready been about four days since He got into this black space with nothing to do, or No one being there when suddenly, He Heard Something.

”Prongs... Stupid.... Potion....You....Told...” I all He could Hear. It sounded Like Sirius.

”Padfoot? Padfoot can you Hear me? Come on You have to get me Out of Here! Please!” He tried but No anwser.

So Instead He tried to listen again. ”three weeks... St. Mungos soon.... One week... Coma... Poor.... Leave....” That was defenetly Mrs. Pomfry. What was going on? Was it Something with Moony did Something Go wrong? Why was Nobody helping him? Couldnt they Hear him. He needed to See Moony.

Then He Fell. Fell through His own mind. Pictures of His child Hood and friends. Pictures of him alone. Clips of him Swinging or getting ice cream. Clips and Pictures of their best pranks. The memory of the House and Grill and Boy. Of Regulus in that Situation.

Now He could See a light and Heard finally Something loud and clear: ”Get Mrs. Pomfry! He is awake. He opend His eyes!” That was Regulus.

”Reg...” He mutterd. As Out of a sudden a Lot of pain from everywhere Hit him, pain and Hunger. He felt A Hand in His.

»What happend?« He Thought before the Lights went Out again.

Sorry I Just Had to wake James Up I didnt know what to do anymore. Next chapter is this Out of Regulus's View btw. So you can understand what happend in the concious state.
I know this was short. Srry
Well I am going to See you in the next chapter.

Have a great day/good night.

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