My New Wand

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"Guess who? It's me Star! I have some exciting news for you. Well first Marco got kidnapped, my sister also lost a necklace she held dearly because it belonged to her mother, and I blew up a bunch of stuff including my wand. And I was super bummed because I thought I was never gonna get to do magic again but then I got my new wan... My new wand! Oh yeah and Marco's okay. Say hi Marco." Star says as she and Alexis are in the bathroom with star's laptop as Marco is trying to shower with the curtain closed before he gets out of the shower in a towel.

"Hey! I don't want the computer to watch me shower." Marco shouts as he closes the laptop as Star turns it toward him.

"Star don't you think Marco deserves a bit of privacy? Which brings me to my next question why is it did you drag me in here too?" Alexis asks in slight annoyance.

"Because you're my sister and plus my fanbase loves you too." Star says as Alexis shakes her head.

"What's up with your wand?" Alexis asks as she notices the wand floating all over the place.

"I don't know." Star says as the wand begins floating towards the stairs.

"Oh no. It's going downstairs." Marco shouts.

"I almost died." Star says as the wand nearly hits her before the book eats the wand and it collide with Marco shoving him into Alexis's closet.

"My towel!" Marco shouts before the door shuts on him.

"Hang on. I'll get you out." Alexis says as she goes over to the door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. I'm not decent." Marco shouts as Alexis steps away from the door slightly.

"Okay." Alexis says as Star comes over while Marco tries to open the door.

"Uh it's locked." Marco says as he can't open the door.

"What⁈" Alexis asks in alarm as she tries to get the door open while the laser puppies come into the room.

"No, no. Not now sweetie. Alexis and I usually open our closet doors with the wand." Star says.

"Marco please stay out of stuff in there. I hold a lot of stuff that I cherish and prefer to keep private in there." Alexis says.

"Just get me outta here." Marco says.

"We're trying." Alexis says as she keeps pulling on the door handle.

"What are you doing?" Glossaryck asks as he appears.

"Uh hey Glossaryck. My wand's locked in Alexis's closet." Star says.

"Hey what about me?" Marco asks from in the closet.

"We're also trying to get Marco out." Alexis says.

"And my spell book. Basically all my stuff. I want my stuff." Star says as she walks away.

"Did you try the knob?" Glossaryck asks as Alexis nods.

"Yep." Alexis says as she then shrieks and ducks seeing Star attack the door with a sword.

"Anything?" Star asks.

"Nope. Still locked." Glossaryck says as he squeezes through the keyhole before coming back out.

"Star I don't think that's working." Alexis says as star is still trying to get the door open with a sword.

"Would you rather Marco be stuck in the closet with your dairy and everything else you keep private?" Star asks as she looks at Alexis.

"How did you-" Alexis then gets cut off by Star.

"We are sisters and I do pay attention. Plus I hide my dairy in the same place too. Unless you want him reading your private thoughts of course I can quit with the sword." Star says.

Love Is Magic Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Marco X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now