"I Can't Be Gay"

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Chlöe's P.O.V.

I never was one to complain about my upbringing. My sister, Halle, and I are the daughters of two devout Muslims. Though our parents were very loving towards us, they were also extremely strict when it came down to us keeping the rules of our religion. Muslim females, for example, are to dress modestly in public. Which means  keeping our hair covered with what's called a hijab and wearing long dresses that cover our entire bodies. Not even our arms or legs are supposed to be shown. And our dresses can't be tight because then people would be able to see our curves. The point was to make sure we didn't cause males specifically to lust after us. This type of dress code made Halle and I targets for bullying in school. Especially one particular day when a boy decided it would be cool to snatch my hijab off of my head.

"Hey! Give that back, now!", I exclaimed.

"Damn! Look at those long ass dreads...You actually fine ass fuck! I wonder what's hiding under that long ass dress you got on", he said while looking at me lustfully.

"You'll never find out! Now give me back my stuff!" I yelled.

He refused and began tossing my hijab around with his stupid friends. We were in class and since we had a substitute teacher that day, everybody decided to behave like they were raised by Satan himself! I tried to act like a proper, Muslim girl should. But I wanted to cuss him out so bad! The substitute teacher didn't want to get involved because this is the generation that fights teachers. So he sent a student to get the principal.

The principal, Mr. Warner, came into the room and ordered the boys to stop. He then had all of us come down to his office so that he could talk to us one on one.

"Chlöe, what happened?", he asked as he passed me some Kleenex. Yes my emotional behind started crying. I hated being bullied and harassed just because I was different.

"I was just trying to do the assignment the sub said Ms. Abrams left for us to do. That's when Aubrey snatched by hijab off my head. Then he started talking about how I actually look good and how he wonders what I look like under my dress. I told him he would never find out and told him to give me my stuff back. That's when he started tossing it around with his friends and making fun of my religion", I explained.

"Wow.....This is actually very serious. I'm going to have to have a meeting with his parents and yours", he said.

"No, I don't want my parents to know! Especially my dad! He'll really flip out and probably make my mom home school me or something", I stated.

"Chlöe, Aubrey's behavior falls under bullying, sexual harassment, and even religious discrimination. I can't withhold information like that from your parents or his. I'm sorry but I have to call both of your parents immediately", he said sympathetically to me.

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