Clarisse Blows Everything Up (Jason)

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"OK, Prissy what did you need to talk about," Clarisse said once we were out of the throne room.

"Of course you get straight to the point," I said.

"Spill it," she growled.

I took a deep breath to prepare myself for her wrath. "I overheard your conversation with your dad."

She went silent for a few minutes, and I started thinking I should possibly have brought Chris along when she spoke.

"Of course you did. Just tell me this, was it an accident?"

"Not entirely," I admitted.

"What do you mean 'not entirely?" she growled out.

"I sensed your dad's presence and went to investigate."

She growled and started cursing in ancient Greek. I really started regretting not bringing Chris along. After a few minutes she calmed down enough to speak in English again.

"I guess they'd possibly find out eventually."

"What do you mean?"

"If we read about the chariot thing."

"Oh, right. So... are we good?"

"For now. We'll see how the rest of the reading goes."

"Deal. Now let's get back before anyone gets impatient."

"Everything alright?" Annabeth asked me once I sat back down.

"Yeah, I just needed to warn Clarisse about something," I said.

"Can I start reading now?" Jason asked.

Everyone nodded.

["You are... cannon balls]

Ares grinned like the war crazed maniac he is.

"Did you not know what the ship was equipped with when you sent it to your daughter?" Hephaestus asked.

"I did, but I can still get excited about it," Ares said.

[Everywhere we... thrilled about]

"I wasn't. Sorry Tyson," Annabeth said.

"It's OK, Annabeth. Thank you for holding my hand anyway," Tyson said.

"You're welcome," Annabeth said, with a smile.

[Finally, we... my fear]

"Eh, as long as it's not underworld food, you'll be fine. Ghosts and skeletons are surprisingly good cooks," Nico said.

"Good to know," I said.

["Tantalus expelled... you, Captain?"]

"I really hate that curse," Hades said again.

"Once again, suck it," Ares said.

[The captain...the water."]

"What is it with you and blowing things up?" Rachel asked.

"It's fun!" Clarisse exclaimed.

["You don't... stopped herself]

"What did it say?" Katie asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," Clarisse said.

["What?"... so quiet!"]

"Of course you got caught," Piper said.

"Yeah, it's just my luck," Grover agreed.

["Unraveling!"... for Pan]

Grover let out a slight whimper of sadness, so I pulled him closer to me.

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