-End of Intro-
-Year: December 27, 1944-
-Operation name Ambush-
-Location: Ardennes, Belgium-
-Daniel POV-
We were escorting the German for inspection incase they have any vital intel. But I saw those male R.G.SS and female R.G.SSW separate the loyalist German SS from the prisoners of the Wehrmacht. When I hear Y/n voice.
Y/N: Trennen Sie die L.G.A und die L.G.SS und befragen Sie die loyalistische deutsche SS.(Separate the L.G.A and the L.G.SS and question the loyalist German SS.)
R.G.SS1: Ja, Ma'am. Du hast Kaiserin gehört.(Yes ma'am. You heard empress.)
They begun separating the prisoners of the Wehrmacht and the SS. But we didn't see Louis since he was needed and his 5th rangers infantry division as one of the prisoners ask Zussman for a water.
L.G.A Prisoner1: Kann ich Wasser haben? Ich habe Durst.(May I have water? I am thirsty.)
Zussman: Here. *hands his canteen to the prisoner.*
Pierson: What the hell are you doing private Zussman? *slaps the canteen out the prisoner hand.*
Zussman: He said he was thirsty.
Pierson: Thirsty? They are prisoners! *kicks the prisoner in the stomach.*
L.G.A Prisoner1: Gah!
Zussman: *grabs the canteen and try's to give it to prisoner but got slap it out in his hand by Pierson.*
But the L.G.A Prisoner1 decided to run as I chase after him when I say stop, but I kept saying it over and over til I got up to him and smack him with my M1 Grand to his head.
L.G.A Prisoner1: Ugh! *falls to the ground and turn to me while rising his hands up.* Bitte schießen Sie nicht, bitte schieße Sie nicht!(Please don't shoot, please don't shoot!)
Zussman come to me as he said as I aim my M1 Grand at the loyalist German soldier prisoner.
Zussman: He's not worth it.
Daniel: Nah he is hiding something.
Then Pierson and Y/n with her very small hump came to us as I searched the prisoner as I found a paper when I gave it to Zussman.
Daniel: This son of a bitch was holding out on us.
Zussman was reading the paper as Pierson looks at it when he ask Zussman.
Pierson: What does it say?
Zussman: Their orders was to get the explosives to the Rhine to blow the bridge up and slow the Allies and the Rebellion German Army.
Pierson: *kicks the Prisoner1 in the face.* Fucking loyalist!
-Timeskip midnight-
-Y/n POV-
It was dark was I look at Pierson as I ask him.
Y/N: Babe... was werden wir tun, nachdem der Krieg vorbei ist?(Babe... what are we going to do after the war is over?)
Pierson: Hopefully we have peace, and we start a family after this whole nightmare is over.
Y/N: Einverstanden.(Agree.)
Pierson x German Female Reader: No Mission Is Too Difficult! (COD WWII)
ActionDuring the war in Europe there is a beautiful young lady name Y/n Wilhelm who born in June 6th 1919. And her rank was Lieutenant Major and a combat medic who treat her wounded comrades. But she doesn't like the Führer ideals since her family is Amer...