End Credits

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AN: Hi guys! This was my super short, super weird, super unplanned superhero story!!!

Basically, what happened with this was I saw a random TikTok on a Thursday night. It was some fan animation of a random ship from a random show that I've never seen before, but I thought the concept was really cool (one character kept dying and coming back to life, but no one would remember,) and it inspired me to make this really weird story! Plus, I kinda needed some really random Lmentio in my life, and I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers. Anyway, I can't find the TikTok anymore and I honestly have no idea what the show is called, but shout out to them for initially inspiring me to write this. 

Anyway, I came up with the idea on a Thursday at around 10:00 PM, made a quick outline that night, then wrote five chapters on Friday afternoon and finished the book on Saturday. My point is, this was REALLY rushed, so sorry about that XD I didn't want to put too much into this story because it really was just for fun, and honestly, it was a lot of fun to write. I liked not having to think as much and being able to just write something just because!!

Thank you to anyone who made it this far! I love you guys so much and I hope you enjoyed this super weird superhero AU! Let me know if you want to see me ACTUALLY turn it into a complete story with actual effort put in XD This was kinda just a trailer for a bigger story that may or may not ever exist in the future, so let me know what you think!

Sincerely, Jimmy

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