Time, Part One

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Before we begin, I want to apologize for leaving you guys on a bit of a cliff-hanger last night (and for only having posted two updates). But, I hope that you guys liked it; and have been anxiously waiting to see what happens as a result of Matt saying that. And the truth is, so have I. I really just post some of these chapters on the fly and don't plan them out (too) much, which means that I'm learning where this story is going to go just moments before you guys learn about it; but that's what makes it fun. Learning where things are going to go as the same time as my readers. Now, I am not going to make you guys wait any longer than you have to; and I am just going to get started. Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven.

"Gabby, I will ALWAYS make time for you; and I am not going to go back on my word, because I made that mistake in the past."

That was the god's honest truth, because he did go back on his word in the past; his word to put her above all else, as she is his wife (and the love of his life). He knows what he should've done when she left him for Puerto Rico in May last year, and that was run after her. He should've run after her, and he should've made it right then; rather than wait to do it, while they were on a road trip. And that will always be something that he regrets, one that he's yet to share with Gabby; but he has a feeling that he should do just that, share the regret that he has from that time with her. That way, she'll know more about how he's been feeling since that happened. Yes, their marriage has been rocky since it started; and yes, they are still trying to find their way. The way that's right for them, and for their children. But that's just what you have to do when you're married, you need to readjust and figure things out as you go; with the hopes of making your marriage work and making time for each other. And that's just what Matt plans on doing, for the rest of his life.

He and Gabby's marriage is the most important relationship that he has in the world, because it's what led him to becoming a father (which is something that Matt loves being almost as much as being Gabby's husband, Matteo, and Noah's papa). He loves them almost as much as he loves Gabby, and he will most certainly love their baby girl (Bella) just as much as he loves his sons; and that's due to the fact that he's going to try his best to not have a favorite, but could you really blame a father for wanting to call his baby girl his favorite? Okay, but that's enough for now; because right now, he needs to make sure that Gabby knows that what he's saying is the truth. That she's his priority, and that will never change. The relationship that he and Gabby have with each other is the relationship that he treasures more than anything in the entire world, and it's the relationship that he always needs to work on the most; because of what their marriage means not just to him, but to their children. Their love, and their marriage is the foundation of their family.

Without their marriage, and without them loving each other as much as they do; there would be no Noah and Matteo, and there most certainly would not be a Bella (in the future) ...and someday, he hopes to add even more children to the mix. The mix of children that they have and are going to raise together as husband and wife, which is what he and Gabby are going to be for the rest of their lives, until he dies with her in his arms. Taking a breath as he wrapped his arm around Gabby's back, Matt turned his head so that he could kiss Gabby's forehead softly. That way, she can relax and just take it easy; because that's what she needs to do for Bella's sake, she needs to relax and take it easy as they cuddle up to each other in bed. And she also doesn't need to worry, because worrying brings stress; especially when it comes to her worrying about whether he's going to make time for her, because that's always something that he's going to do. Running his hand up and down Gabby's back as she cuddled up to him, Matt smiled at his beautiful wife.

After which, he turned his head and just smiled due to the fact that he was really happy right now. He was happy to be holding the woman he loves in his arms, and just making her feel like the most beautiful woman in his world, which she most certainly is, and will always be. She's his gorgeous wife, and the love of his life. Taking one last breath, matt then proceeded to start speaking to the woman he loves. "Okay, now we're going to talk about this; and we're just going to relax and take it easy okay?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was something that they had to do together; that way, he can explain to her what he just said to her. How he plans on making sure that he's always going to make time for her, and how he's not going to go back on his word, which is something that Gabby can't even believe that she would believe in the first place, and that's why she feels like she needs to apologize before anything else. "Okay, but first; I need to say something Matt, and I want you to listen." Matt agreed with Gabby, letting her do just that.

"I want to apologize for the fact that we even need to have this conversation, because I feel like an idiot for even bringing this up now." Looking down at his wife, Matt took a breath because that was the last way he wanted her to feel, like an idiot; because that most certainly is not what Gabby is, because she is the smartest woman in the entire world. "Hey, I never want to hear you call yourself an idiot; because that most certainly is not what my wife is, is that understood?" Gabby took a breath, before laying her head down on his chest; still feeling that way, regardless of what Matt just told her. Wrapping his arm around Gabby's back, Matt turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. "Gabby, you are not an idiot; you are brilliant. I mean, think about all you know, and all the information that you had to keep in your head while you were a paramedic. And you had to come up with that on a moment's notice. So no, you are not an idiot; and I am never going to be okay with you calling yourself an idiot, is that understood?" Gabby agreed with Matt.

At the same time, Matt turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. After which, he ran his hand up and down her back to calm her down. "Thanks for reminding me of all that." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Hey, it's no problem; especially not when it's my job to do just that as your husband, and the love of your life." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, just smiling as they cuddled up to each other (and held each other) in bed. And let's just say that this is extremely comfortable, especially because Matt is currently in the midst of holding her in bed; which is exactly what makes this comfortable, just him holding her in bed. Putting his hand on Gabby's back as he continued to hold her close to him, Matt smiled due to the fact that this is everything that he wants to do right now. He wants to hold the woman he loves, and just make sure that they relax with each other right now. "Just promise me that you take it easy and just relax, okay baby?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she felt him kiss her forehead softly.

"And I mean it, okay Gabby? I mean it when I say that I am going to always make sure that I spend time with you, away from the kids; because I want to make sure that we keep our marriage strong, because our marriage is the foundation of our family." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am well aware that's the case." Matt smirked due to the fact that he's glad that this is what they're in the midst of doing, holding each other close as they relax in bed right now; after which, he turned his head and just kissed her forehead softly. "So, listen; there's something that I want to talk to you about while we're here in bed with each other." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, and what might that be?" Looking down at his beautiful wife, Matt smirked before bending down and proceeding to kiss the woman he loves softly. "Just how this is the right decision that we made, how we made the right decision to move back to Hawaii; and spend the rest of our life here."

Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, well aware that was something that they were both thinking about; just how glad they were that they moved back here, especially since they are always so relaxed. This is where she needs to be right now, with the man she loves. "Now, I think you left me hanging when it came to you not giving me an answer to the question that I just asked you; about how you're doing in the pregnancy. How's it going?" Looking up at Matt, Gabby smiled as she leaned in and proceeded to kiss the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "Oh, I am feeling really good as we hold each other close." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I know that you're happy right now; and that you are very comfortable in my arms. And I also know that you're always going to be comfortable in my arms, for the simple fact that we're here with each other." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, just smiling as she said her head down on his chest to relax tonight.

Turning her head, Gabby smiled as she bent down and kissed his chest softly; at the same time, Matt ran his hand up and down her back while turning her head so that he can kiss her forehead softly. After which, he whispered to her. "Can I take off your bra?" Gabby smirked as she looked up at Matt, because that most definitely is something that she wants to have him to; but not yet, because something was in their room. More specifically, Jay Halstead. "Hey, sorry. I was just waiting until I was in the elevator to call you." Hearing Jay say that, Gabby got a bit nervous. "Halstead!" Looking up, Jay was shocked as he heard Gabby's voice. "Oh shit."

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