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"I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch everything go wrong."

- Lemony Snicket

Trigger warning: rape, gore, graphic violence

"Does the pain ever stop, when does the hurt stop breaking with each step that you take, thinking that you will see their face...?"

The line is quiet. For some time.

"It never stops De melo. The pain never stops... And you have cried, fallen apart and stayed up all night with ugly and painful thoughts... You think this is it... It can't get any worse, you have lived the most pain... No you haven't... The pain is still going to take you to greater heights... Grief is an ugly shapeshifter De melo..."

"The only reason I like you is that you always tell me the truth Diarie, no matter how ugly it is..."

"It's no use lying to you De melo... Besides, you always know the truth..."

"Thank you for the flowers and spa vouchers you sent us... Don't send me flowers again, I hate them..."

"And for that exact reason, I will continue sending them..." K smirks over the line.

A wave of something akin to deja vu hits Eli.

I wanted to humble you because I know you probably think that you are above receiving flowers...

"We should start a widows' club... And go around threatening all the people who still have their spouses to give us all their money otherwise we expose all their secrets..."

"That's not funny at all, it's a terrible idea..." Diarie rolls her eyes.

"It's not funny and yes it's a terrible idea, but it would keep us busy and get us into a lot of drama and trouble, we would have less time to think about the pain..." Eli reasons.

Diarie licks her lips feeling the tears in her eyes.

In a soft tone, Diarie says, "I'm sorry De melo, but it doesn't work that way... You carry the pain with you everywhere you go..."

"Figured..." Eli says in a dejected voice.

The line goes silent before Diarie speaks up again.

"I'm so sorry De melo. I truly am. This is the worst pain anyone can ever be put through and I'm so sorry. I saw the way you looked at her- like she carried the stars... She was your end and your beginning, and with her- I saw the exact same thing when she looked at you... You were her entire world- you three..."

"It's very weird hearing someone speak of her in past tense..."


"Have you spoken to Williams' sister?" Eli asks

Diarie groans, "You are so annoying De melo..."

"It's why we are best friends" Eli says but Diarie notices that her voice doesn't have that signature cheeky tone to it...

"I'm not your friend De Melo..." She says weakly, smile evident in her voice.

"I'm your favourite enemy I know..." Eli chuckles.

"Thank you for listening to me..."

"Anytime De melo. And whenever you need to talk, call me anytime and if you need to get away, you know my houses are always welcome to you three. And De melo? You still have Darina and Nadi... You three have each other, I'm not saying it's supposed to make anything better- but please don't take that for granted..."

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