Chapter Three

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I awoke to a loud thundering noise. I bolted straight out of bed and headed to the source of the noise. It came from the front door, I walked over. I hesitated before opening it. I twisted the door knob and popped open the door. I was expecting a mass murderer, but instead I found my aunt Helen.

“Ahm  ... Hey Auntie Helen why  ...”

“Don’t just stand there and gawk child, let me in” she said cutting me off.

“Oh yes. Sorry” I let her pass. I couldn’t help but ask her why she’s here.

“Auntie why  ...”

“Am I here?” she said while finishing my sentence. “I’m here to give you a check. I will be leaving for a few months, so this should compensate for your food.”

“What?!?” I shrieked.

“Don’ yell child; you’ll blow out my ear drums. I’m only here to drop off a 100 dollar check.”

“100? That won’t feed me.” I said.

“Obviously you’ll have to get a job. You’re a, for lack of better words, an attractive girl. I’m sure you can find somewhere to work.” She said looking slightly smug. She planted the check in my hands.

“But …” I didn’t even finish, before she was out the door.

What an eventful week. I had flowers thrown in my face, I lost my only friend and now my aunt was leaving. Great!

I ran up to my bathroom, hopped in the shower and cried for the gazillionth time. As soon as I stepped out, I brushed my teeth but was stopped by my reflection. My jet black hair looked washed out; my supposedly sky blue eyes looked grey and sad. And my face looked oh so pale. I stared at it for prcisly a mille-second before I got too disgusted.

I got dressed and decided I was going to take a visit to my family’s grave site.


After saying my goodbyes to my family I started to walk to the cemetery entrance but was confronted by the queen Ashley and her friends. Are they stalking me now?

“Hey Rose” she said

“Get out of my way Ashley” I said, gritting my teeth.

“Hey now, don’t start to get angry. Listen I’ve decided to stop bullying and tormenting you if …”

“Bullying and tormenting! Ha I thought I was the one doing that to YOU”

“Just listen Alright. I’ve told everyone that bullies you to stop, if and only if you spend a night in the abandoned mansion”

“Are you joking?” is she serious, that’s her condition.

“Nope, and if you do we’ll leave you alone forever.” Forever? That’s a long time. I mean it would be nice not to have to put up with their B.S every day. All I wanted was to be left alone.

Before I knew it I had blurted out

“I’ll do it!”

*Sorry this one’s really short, but the next one will be long and interesting.

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