Mamma Mia

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When I opened my eyes again we were in the hospital, a harsh white light bouncing off the walls. Lizzie was sat next to me with a soft smile.

"Hey, there you are, you had as all worried," she spoke, brushing some hair out of my face, "how are you feeling?"

"Like I cracked my head open," I responded with a light smile.

She laughed, "yeah you lost a fair bit of blood, they kept you out for a bit because they knew you'd be woozy."

"Yeah I feel a bit woozy," I giggled.

She smiled and reached to hold my hand, "you've got 6 stitches across your eyebrow and one hell of a black eye forming," she told me.

I hummed in agreement, "I'm sorry again."

"Me too," she smiled sadly, "you know that no one is comparing you to Robbie right? He was awful, no one liked him and he-he hurt me both mentally and physically but you, God Y/N everyone loves you and I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

"You shouldn't promise something you can't keep," I replied.

She nodded her head, "I'm here for the long haul, I'm not going anywhere."

I smiled softly, "thank you."

She stood up and closed the gap between us, kissing my lips softly, "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Liz," I smiled.

When she sat down the door to the hospital room opened revealing a really tried looking Scarlet and a nurse.

"Hey you're up," she smiled and walked to the bedside, "this has been a really dramatic evening," she laughed.

I hummed in agreement, "how are you?" I asked cautiously.

"Y/N you just had stitches and are sitting in hospital and you're asking me how I am?" She confirmed.

"Touché," I laughed.

The nurse approached the end of the bed and smiled up at me, "Miss Y/L/N, how are we feeling?" She asked.

"Got a bit of a headache but I'm okay," I confirmed.

"Perfect, we are happy for you to go home when you're ready. The stitches don't need to be removed, they will dissolve over time but please keep any extraneous activities to a minimum until that time," she said, smiling again and leaving the room.

"That means no sex," Scarlet said with a smirk, taking a sip of her iced coffee.

I held my hand open and she rolled her eyes and placed the coffee in my hand, "thank you," I sung, taking a sip.

"Okay are we ready to go?" Lizzie said with a small smile.

I nodded my head and sat up slowly, looking down at my blood stained t-shirt and hospital shorts, "well these look fashionable," I laughed.

Lizzie giggled slightly, "yeah you only had underwear on so they gave us them."

"Looks like you're wearing a nappy," Scarlet snickered.

"Looks like you've sobered up," I smirked.

"Enough children," Lizzie said holding her hands up to help me, "Jesus Christ it's like babysitting."

I laughed and stood up slowly, blinking quickly to help me adjust to the pressure change, "Okay can we go home now I'm so tired."

"You've been asleep for the past hour, how do you think we feel?" Scarlet said, holding my arm to help me stay up.

"Fuck off," I giggled, turning round to see Lizzie's head tilt.

I mouthed a 'sorry' and smirked when I saw Scarlet giggling next to me. Lizzie called an Uber as we arrived by ambulance and sat in the back with me while Scarlet took the seat next to the driver, talking his ear off the whole drive back to ours. Not long after I was back in bed, laying down with a sigh and feeling my body decompress into the mattress. Lizzie came up shortly after me. She placed a bottle of water and some painkillers on my side of the bed and kissed my nose before walking over to her side of the bed, opening her arms for me to cuddle into her.

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