Character List

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  A Court of Heirs and Heiresses Character List-

Spring Court Members:
Tamlin Maxwell: High Lord of the Spring Court
Dahlia: Priestess of the Spring Court
Azalea Maxwell: Heiress of the Spring Court, Daughter of Tamlin and Dahlia
Bella: Hand maid of Lady Azalea
Maggie: Bonus Hand maid of Spring Court
Brimsley: Tutor of the Spring Court
Jerit: The Cook
Erik: Stable attendant
Jennifer: Lady in waiting
Jayden: Lady in waiting
Jaylen: Lady in waiting
Catherine: Head Priestess of the Spring Court

Night Court Members:
Rhysand Alarie: High Lord of the Night Court
Feyre Archeron Alarie: High Lady of the Night Court, mate of Rhysand
1. Nyx Alarie: Heir of the Night Court, son of Feyre and Rhysand
2. Nova Alarie: Heiress of the Night Court, daughter of Feyre and Rhysand

Cassian Archeron: Leader of the Night Court army, Member of the Night Court
Nesta Archeron: Leader of the Valkyrie's, Member of the Night Court, mate of Cassian
Solaris Archeron: Member of the Night Court, son of Nesta and Cassian

Elain Archeron: Member of the Night Court
Amren: Second in Command of the Night Court
Azriel: Shadow Singer of the Night Court

High Priestess of the Night Court: Promethia

Winter Court Members:
Kallias Blanche: High Lord of the Winter Court
Viviane Blanche: Kallias' wife, member of the Winter Court
1. Aneria Blanche: Heiress of the Winter Court, eldest daughter of Kallias and Viviane
2. Demetria Blanche: Heiress of the Winter Court, daughter of Kallias and Viviane
3. Eirwen Blanche: Heiress of the Winter Court, youngest daughter of Kallias and Viviane

Dawn Court Members:
Thesan: High Lord of the Dawn Court

Day Court Members:
Helion: High Lord of the Day Court, mate Meallan
Meallan: Member of the Day Court, mate of Helion

Summer Court Members:
Tarquin Trenton: High Lord of the Summer Court
Trinity Trenton: Wife of Tarquin, member of the Summer Court
Triton Trenton: Heir of the Summer Court, son of Tarquin and Trinity

Autumn Court Members:
Beron Vansera: High Lord of the Autumn Court
Victoria Vansera: Wife of Beron, member of the Autumn Court
Son's of the Autumn Court:
1. Eris Vansera: Heir of the Autumn Court, eldest son of Beron
2. Elwood Vansera: Heir of the Autumn Court, son of Beron
3. Archer Vansera: Heir of the Autumn Court, son of Beron
4. Carmine Vansera: Dead, son of Beron (Killed by Tamlin)
5. Asher Vansera: Dead, son of Beron (Killed by Tamlin)
6. Hunter Vansera: Heir of the Autumn Court, youngest surviving son of Beron

7. Lucien Vansera: Human Emissary of the Night Court, son of Victoria. EX-member of the Spring Court, Member of the Night Court

Name Meanings:
Nyx: God or Goddess of Night & Darkness
Nova: Brightest Star
Azalea: Resilience and Beauty
Solaris: Sun, light
Triton: God of one of the seven seas
Aneria: Much Snow
Demetria: Goddess of Winter
Eriwen: Blessed Snow

Fae age: The Fae age differently. They physically age slow. Fae don't reach age of Maturity until they are 50 years old. 50 in Fae years is 25 in our years for this story.

Age Difference/Birthdays:
Nyx: Eldest of the Heir's, born on Calanmai
Nova: Born 2 years after Nyx, born in June
Solaris: Born 3 years after Nyx, born in August
Azalea: Born 2 years after Nyx, born on the Winter Solstice
Triton: Born 3 years after Nyx, born in July
Aneria: Eldest, born 1 year after Nyx, born in January
Demetria: Born 3 years after Nyx, born in November
Eirwen: Born 40 years after Nyx, born in January

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