New Life

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When you first play this game, you skin colour is white. You can change the colour of your skin using the home button on the top right of your screen. You first play this game, you are in a world named START. The first thing you need is a GrowId. A GrowId can save your items and achievements. When you see arrows on your screen, don't worry about it because it can make your character move. When you see a arrow pointing up, that's the button for you to jump. In your inventory there are two items and they are called a Fist and a Wrench. There are many different events that celebrates different seasons. Like, St. Patrick's Day, Player Appreciation Week, Winter Fest, Halloween, Summer Fest, Carnival, and many more! To obtain gems, (sorry I wasn't able to explain what gems are) you need to buy farmables (pinballbumpers, chandeliers, Gothic building, e.t.c) that are very important in a growtopians life.

Now that you've known what to do, let's go to the next chapter.

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