My sexuality hc's for the cast Lillith

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Warning: Again these are based off of how I hc them kinda, if you don't agree with me- that's fine, because everyone has their own opinions. (Lillith's is kind of a joke? I don't really like her)- Most of my headcanons will not be incorporated into the full fics because it might confuse people who haven't read my hc page/this series.

Lucifer: Pancurious, Demiromantic, Allosexual, Demiboy

- He thinks he's attracted to everyone no matter their gender, but is unsure

- He needs to know someone really well to develop any feelings for them

- He likes smex, it's basically the opposite of Asexual

- Demons don't go by the same gender rules as Humans so it's not unsual for someone to use more than one set of pronouns (He/They)

Mammon: Omnisexual, Hypersexual, Transmasc, Polycurious

- He doesn't mind dating anyone despite their gender, but he does have a female preference

- He needs to jerk it very often

- He is Afab, but prefers to identify as a male- He does take testosterone, and he has had top surgery

- He has never been in a poly relationship and finds the topic interesting

Leviathan: Pomosexual, Hypersexual, Transmasc/Demiboy, uses Neos/Xenos

- He doesn't really have a sexual identity, but he thinks he might have a male preference

- Rabbit in heat no.2

- He is Afab but also prefers male and non-binary terms, he has not had top surgery (for safety reasons)- but he does do testosterone

_ His Neos/Xenos: Snake/Snakes/Snakeself/Water/Waters/Waterself/Vamp/Vamps/Vampself/Xe/Xem/Xemself

Satan: Demiromantic, Sapiosexual, Male

- He needs to know the interest for a while

- He likes mainly intelligent people

- He's Amab and he prefers masculine terms

Asmodeus: Pansexual, Panromantic, Hypersexual, Genderfluid, Polysexual,uses Neos/Xenos

- They are sexually attracted to everyone no matter their gender (He may be a teensy bit Autosexual too lmao)

- He loves everyone no matter their gender

- She is the avatar of lust so it's kinda no surprise

- They are Amab but don't mind any set of pronouns

- He likes orgys

- His Neos/Xenos: Star/Stars/Starself/Flower/Flowers/Flowerself/Bunny/Bunnys/Bunnyself/Ze/Hir/Hirs

Beelzebub: Spectrasexual/romantic, Cupiosexual, Demiboy

- He is attracted (sexually and romantically) to multiple/various genders/sexes, but not all

- He's asexual basically but still has the desire to engage in sexual behavior/sexual relationship

- He is Amab but uses male/non-binary pronouns

Belphegor: Omnisexual, Asexual, Transmasc/Demiboy, uses Neos/Xenos

- He has a male preference

- He's not very interested in sexual activity

- He is Afab but uses male/non-binary pronouns- He wears a binder instead of surgery (Just because he doesn't want it) and he does testosterone

- His Neos/Xenos: Sky/Skys/Skyself/Night/Nights/Nightself/Ey/Em/Eir

Diavolo: Pansexual, Demiromantic, Genderfluid

- He doesn't care about your gender

- He needs to get to know people first, you've been the only exception so far

- He uses all pronouns (He's Amab) but he prefers male ones

Barbatos: Omnisexual, Agender/Demiboy, Cupiosexual, Demiromantic

- They have a female preference

- He is Intersex (Amab bottom, Afab top- they wear a binder) and they prefer non-binary/male pronouns

- Just like Beelzebub he doesn't feel the need to do sexual activities but he wants to

- He prefers to know someone before engaging in anything with them

Simeon: Asexual, Aromantic, Genderfluid

- He doesn't feel any kind of sexual attraction/desire to do anything sexual

- He isn't interested in non-platonic relationships

- Most Angels are Genderfluid, he prefers male pronouns

Solomon: Pancurious, Demiromantic, Transmasc

- He has had many partners in the past, so he thinks he might me Pansexual

- He needs to know you first

- He is Afab but prefers male terms, he has had top surgery and he takes testosterone

Luke: Bisexual, Asexual, Demiboy, uses Neos/Xenos

- He has had a few puppy crushes on other kids his age

- He has 0 interest in anything sexual, especially since he's very little

- He is Amab and prefers male and non-binary pronouns

- His Neos/Xenos: Sweet/Sweets/Sweetself/Sun/Suns/Sunself/Lune/Lunes/Luneself

Mephistopheles: Pansexual, Hypersexual, Cisgender

- PEOPLE ❤️❤️❤️

- Rabbit no.3

- He is Amab and he identifies as such

Raphael: Aromantic, Asexual, Cisgender

- Just like Simeon he is Aromantic

- He has no interest in sexual activities

- He is Amab and he prefers male pronouns

Thirteen: Omnisexual, Demigirl, Allosexual, Polyromantic

- She has a female preference

- She is Afab and uses female/non-binary pronouns

- She likes smex 😈

- She has been in a few Poly relationships

Lillith: Heterosexual, Cisgender

- Ewwww gays 😡

- My 'pronouns' are Nor/Mal 🙄

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