Luke (fluff headcanons): General

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A= Adventures (what kind of crazy shit would you get into together?)

Luke likes to run around causing chaos for demons with you.

B= Bond (what kind of - platonic obviously - relationship do you have with each other?)

You two are inseparable.

C= Cuddling (do you ever cuddle? how physically affectionate are you?)

He LOVES cuddling, especially after a long day at R.A.D- Just sit down and let him fall asleep on you.

D= Dance (do you ever dance together?)

He likes jumping around and dancing with you while listening to nightcore.

E= Enemies (were you ever enemies? Do you share the same enemies?)

Nope, but Luke 'hates' demons- and you are part of the A.L.L so technically yes to no.2.

F= Fight (how often do you fight? how do you resolve conflict?)


G= Gain (how have you helped each other improve as people?)

You taught him how to accept people no matter their race (not talking abt skin colours).

H= Help (how do they ask you for help? how do they help you when you need it?)

He is constantly asking you for help, and he loves helping you.

I= Injured/Ill (how would they act if you got hurt or sick?)

If you broke a bone while out with him he would panic, then call Simeon.
If you are just sick he would help take care of you.

J= Jokes (what's their sense of humour like?)

He has 10 year old boy humour, like 'deez nutz' and 'sussy amogus'.

K= Kisses (do you ever kiss? how?*Platonic*)

He likes when you kiss his cheek or the top of his head, he sees you as an older sibling.

L= Love (how do they show you they care?)

He bakes you everything. Not something. EVERYTHING.

M= Meeting (how did you meet?)

The exchange program.

N= Nesting (do you cohabitate at all?)

He's chill with being roommates, more sleepovers for him.

O= Oasis (is there a specific place that is "your place"?)

There is a pond behind Purgatory hall, he likes going there and looking at fish with you.

P= Protection (how protective are they over you?)

Very, he almost bit Mammon's hand off when he tried to snatch you away.

Q= Query (how inquisitive are they when it comes to getting to know you?)

He knows almost everything about you, he's an amazing listener.

R= Record (what's something you'll never let them live down?)

He barked at a demon once, you will never forget that. EVER.

S= Support (how would they show their support for you? how far would that support go?)

Idk, he does supporty things? He doesn't mind what you are, or what you look like.

T= Trust (how much do they trust you? how do they show you that?)

he would follow you through a pitch black alleyway completely blinded, if you said it was safe.

U= Uplift (how do you bring each other up?)

Tbh you don't even need to be uplifted when hanging around each other, you radiate positivity.

V= Vacation (do you ever travel together? what's that like?)

You went to a marketplace once, it was fun.

W= Worry (do they worry about you? how often?)

You live with demons, you send him into cardiac arrest every time you accidentally don't message him back.

X= Xerox (are there any traits or habits of theirs that you've picked up by accident?)

Saying 'bless you' to demons when they sneeze.

Y= Yahoo (what's an inside joke you share?)

Whenever Solomon is pissy you say 'Aw, don't be salty.'
It gets you both every time, Solomon accidentally used salt in a pudding he made for Luke one time.

Z= Zany (do they have a weird side only you get to see?)

You get to see Luke rolling around and giggling, only Simeon and Michael ever really get to see him like that.

Extra: His favourite song is Honeypie by Jawny.

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