Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I know I told Jaime when I come back I'd bring Vic with me. That was back when I thought we were friends. Sure, he says he misses me. And I totally understand that there's some things he doesn't want to tell me. I only told Jaime about the thing that happened with Justin. I'll admit I may have slightly overreacted by giving him a concussion with that rock but I never really learned any other form of self defense so I went with my first instict.


I shifted around in my bed a little at that awful sound.


I sighed and sat up, staring blankly at the wall in front of me.


"Shut the fuck up I know what time it is!" I screamed at my alarm clock before unplugging it and chucking it at the wall. I stared emotionless as it shattered. That's not the first one.

"Kellin? What was that? Is everything okay?" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I heard the trash can open and the sound of the empty beer bottles clinked as she added another one. I rolled my eyes at the fact that she never went to any AA meetings.

"Yeah mom I'm fine." I said, and got out of bed. What should I wear? I don't really want to go back to school. Everyone will think differently about me. How much has people changed since I've been gone? I didnt know. I picked up the first clean shirt I grabbed and put it on. I squeezed into a pair of black skinny jeans and slipped on my TOMS. It felt nice to have clean clothes after wearing the same thing for eight months straight. I walked to the bathroom and did what I needed to in there and went downstairs. My mom was watching TV. Well, the TV was on. My mom was passed out snoring. It amazes me how easily some people can fall asleep. It takes me forever. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and drank it down. Then, I got a text.

"Kellin if you dont come back I'll go there."

Of course it was from Vic. I still didnt know how he had a device, so I asked.

"I cant go back after what I experienced when I was there. And how are you messaging me? I thought you were poor."

He replied about two minutes later.

"Theres a back room in Himetime's restaurant with a computer. Also my wealth is something you shouldnt assume by what I showed you."

I laughed at 'himetime' and put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my backpack and went to my bus stop. The bus picked me up and I sat alone. I didnt want to talk to people, but they sure did wanna talk to me. All the questions I got that morning were mostly about where I went. I told them I moved to California for a while. They didnt need to know why. As I was thinking more, I was thinking of time zones and how when Vic texted me it was around four in the morning. Jaime's restaurant didnt open until nineish, but since they're best friends I guess he gave Vic keys or something. My thoughts were cut off when the bus stopped at my school. Everyone popped out of their seats and piled off the bus. I was the last to get off.

Being back here was intimidating. It feels like my first day of school all over again. I sighed and walked in the front doors. Everyone who saw me stopped what they were doing to stare at me. I felt so awkward so I kept my head low. I didnt care enough to go to my locker mainly because I forgot my combination. So, I carried my backpack to my first period class. Biology.

I walked in and sat in my seat. I was the first one there, even earlier than the teacher, Mr. Perry. He was a very awkward teacher but he was my favorite. Then, the loudspeaker chimed and our principal, Ms. Aschow, started speaking.

"Kellin Quinn if you could please make your way to the office. Kellin Quinn." She said. I rolled my eyes and walked to the office. When I got there, Ms. Aschow was standing there smiling. I know I'm gay, but she's adorable. I think her name is Erin but the teachers here are very strict with using their last names. People always talk about how her and Mr. Perry would be cute together, but I'm not part of that.

"Kellin can you please make your way to my desk and take a seat? I'll be right there." She said sweetly. I nodded and dragged my feet over there. Did I get in trouble again already? I just got here. Soon, Ms. Aschow sat down across from me at her desk.

"Hi Kellin how are you doing?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I'm alright." I said.

"Well, I'm here to talk to you about what you've missed in the eight months you were in Mexico. You were supposed to be there until August when the next year of school starts. It's only April. Your mother came and talked to us about how she misses you and wants a way to contact you, but you had no communication devices, so we let her take you back here early." She explained. I scoffed. She didnt miss me, she probably just needed help around the house since she didnt do anything but eat, sleep, and get drunk.

"Well, thank you Ms. Aschow." I said. She briskly nodded and the first period bell rang.

"I'll write you a pass so Mr. Perry doesnt mark you late." She said, grabbing a post it and writing a note. She folded it before I can read it and sent me off to class.

I got to class and gave him the note. I saw him open it and a smile inch across his face. I'm guessing it said more than "pass to class" with her signature. I smirked and sat down.

"Kellin hi! Welcome back dude." My best friend, Tay, whispered to me. I smiled at her and she went back to talking to Alex who was mostly focused on his best friend Jack.

"Okay class. Today we're going to learn about how molecules divide into cells during the process-" that was all I heard Mr. Perry say before I zoned out. I didnt care that much about biology. I started thinking about Vic. Then, I got a text.

"I guess I'm going there."

I sighed and texted back "theres no need" and put away my phone.

I didnt want to talk about this with him. I dont want to talk to him.

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