Brie Bella: My Daughter's Teacher! (Small 18 )

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It's been a crap few weeks for Brie, she and her husband for nearly 10 years have called it quits, not on bad terms, they both just started to get a little bored with each other, so today she's picking Birdie up from school, she was quite excited about it because like most mom's, they love coming to see the kids PE teacher.

Y/n L/n, he's amazing, kind caring, great with the kids, apparently it's because he has kids of his own but he doesn't honestly look old enough to have kids, maybe early 30's but who knows al except for him.

Y/n: Alright, Jamie, who's your favorite Super hero?

Y/n stood in the hall with the kids around him, it's the last class of the day and he's getting the kids to warm down a little before going home, it's why the parents are aloud to watch, they don't mind that this class goes over time, a little Physical Education never hurts anyone.

Jamie: Batman!

Some of the kids cheered while a few others disagreed, the parents smiled while Y/n stood there and looked around a little before pointing to the young boy.

Y/n: I was hoping you'd say Spiderman but Batman's cool. Anyway...

Some of the parents chuckled again as Brie watched Birdie, Birdie loves this class mainly because of her teacher, he's honestly a great guy, one of those guys from the rom coms that every women wants to be with, he should those great guy skills when Jamie cut him off.

Jamie: I'm sorry Mr. L/n.

he really looked heart broken like he let someone down but Y/n didn't let him think that because the all watched as he dropped to a knee and held the boys shoulder stopping the young 5 year old from looking at the floor.

Y/n: Don't ever be sorry for having your own opinion. Chin up champ.

Y/n ruffled his hair making the boy smile and cheer him up, he's just impossible to stay mad at so he stood back up and looked around the small group of kids around him, apparently his plans changed because he checked his water.

Y/n: Okay, we can't do what I had planned because we're running out of time and I wouldn't want to keep your parents away from their awesome kids. So instead how about a little Stuck in the Mud.

The kids cheered because everyone loves Stuck in the Mud ... *For those who don't know, it's like tag but once your tagged, you can't move until someone set's you free, when I was a kid you had to crawl under their legs, I'm not sure about now*... Brie and the other parents watched as the kids spread out around the small hall, Y/n stood off to the side and asked for a volunteer.

Y/n: So who want's to be the catcher?

Y/n didn't have to wait all that long because every child pushed their hand into the air, it's nice to see your babies engage with others during this sort of thing, so when Brie saw Birdie, she was really proud of her little girl.

Y/n: Birdie, way to step up sweetheart. Okay, everyone ready?

The kids nodded and got ready to run away the left over energy, Y/n's job is to wear them down for the parents at the end of the day, adults don't want to go to work then come home to energetic kids, so Y/n needs to tire them out, Brie chuckled when she watched Birdie run around with her friends laughing and having a good time, it was even quite funny when the kids dragged Y/n into it, he didn't mind and actually had a great time, it didn't take long though for the kids to tire out meaning it was time to go home.

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