A New World Pt 1

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Barry was running throughout the house setting up for the baby " Since when do you do things last minute Barr?" Kara asked sitting down on the couch.

Barry finally stops and says " What? I'm baby-proofing the house with proximity-based Meta dampers and some Kryptonian tech" Kara looks at him and asks " So we are gonna dampen our baby?".

" No not really what if Nora accidentally uses her speed or flight and hurts herself?" Barry reasoned and Kara agreed. Kara tried to get up but Barry helped her
" Rao I can't wait to have our baby," The Blonde Pregnant Kryptonian said " Rao I Love You," Barry says. " Ok I'm gonna finish installing these" Barry said gesturing to the dampeners.

Barry walked toward the dampeners but felt a huge amount of energy pulling him somewhere " What is it?" Kara asked worried " I don't know?" He answered as blue and green lightning coursed through his body before disappearing

Barry walked toward the dampeners but felt a huge amount of energy pulling him somewhere " What is it?" Kara asked worried " I don't know?" He answered as blue and green lightning coursed through his body before disappearing

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" BARRY!" Kara yelled


Blue and Green lightning started to form with Barry appeared out of it in pain Barry started to look around wondering where he is

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Blue and Green lightning started to form with Barry appeared out of it in pain Barry started to look around wondering where he is. Barry stuck his hand out with Green Lightning forming showing him that he is in the year 2000.

Barry snapped his fingers trying to go home and disappeared but not even a second later he was sent flying back so if Barry couldn't go home using the Still force why not use the Speed force.

Barry started running throughout the city with Barry breaking the sound barrier over and over again Barry then notices a Time portal forming " Time to go home" Barry tried to go through the portal but it disappears and fell over lands into a laundry van.  " So much déjà vu." Barry then climbs out of the truck and sees a cop car and gets an idea.

Barry ran to CCPD in an instant with nobody noticing and then sees a younger version of Captain Singh The God walked over to Singh and asked " Hello I'm looking for Joe West I'm an old family friend" Singh looked a little suspicious of Barry before finally pointing and saying" Okay West is right back there" " Thank you umm love the hair" Barry then walked quickly toward younger Joe.

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