luffy let go and gave sabo a hug as well.

Sabo took off his hat and said ' been a long time no see hasn't it ace ' 

'Sa...Sabo... is that you? Thats you right it has to be you Sabo? ' - ace 

luffy just cut in was like ' ye this Sabo ace remember him..shshhahaah, he works with the Revolutionary Army now with my dad can you belive that now, shahah' 

ace just went up to sabo and gave him a massive bear hug and started crying 

' i missed you sooo , much '

meanwhile garp was in sitting against the wall and was crying with joy because he was so happy to see his grandsons together again 

everyone in the white beard crew had already surrounded white beard and was shouting suff like  'pops we missed you'' POPS' and all of them were crying or on the ground sulking because they missed there captain so much 

luffy lead sabo and ace over to the direct middle of the room and sat down  and pretty much sat in a straight line and luffy and sabo leaned in on ace. 

they sat down because there was a strange figure just inforunt of the movie screen 

everyone was seated when a goddess appeared infrount of the movie screen she said 

' Hello there i am the goddess of dimentions and I'm called Mala have called you all here to react to the Strawhats and there adventures along the way. you will be here for 4 weeks reacting and yes when i teleport you back the time will be the exact same as of when you left so dont worry. you will also be fed and yes Luffy, there is a lot of meat so dont worry. you will be reacting to memes, and if you dont know what a meme is i will be explaining when we get to them. ''

But first we are going to be introducing the Straw-hat crew themselves and there dreams and bounty's

as soon as she had said that the rest of luffys crew stood up and went over to where the 3 brothers we sitting and sat behind them in a massive clump with 

 koala got up and sat next to Sabo while Nami, Robin, Sanji and Chopper sitting in a line with Usopp sitting next to zoro who was seated next to Luffy and brook and Frankie sat a about 2 metres away from the brothers and law just stayed seeted in the corner where they where prevousely 


the screen later turned on to show this 

First mate of the straw hats Roronoa Zoro with a bounty of 1,360,000,000 billion berries

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First mate of the straw hats Roronoa Zoro with a bounty of 1,360,000,000 billion berries. His dream is to become the greatest swordsman to have ever lived 

Shanks was staring at Mihalk who was next to him while Mikhalk said ' Hahn i remember you, looks like you have  improved a bit' 

good job zoro on your bounty, looks like it has gone up a bit haha. ( luffy then going his amazingly great smile.) - luffy said that ps 

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