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                                                                            Harris & Mantles

It has been a week since the Harris family moved into Riverdale. Amayla liked her new home, how it was peaceful and relaxing with an amazing fireplace and a pool in the backyard. She looked at the pool and smiled by how deep the pool was. Amayla can swim during the nighttime if she ever wants to get away the toxic energy. After unpacking, Amayla finally hangs up her dream catcher and her butterfly effect poster. Diana walks to the door and knocks for Amayla's attention. 

  "Knock, Knock! Wow, the room looks great."

 "Yep, organizing for three hours straight was worth it!"

  "Blah, Blah, Blah..." Diana says as she flops onto Amayla's bed. 

    "Did you finish your room?" Amayla says, looking at her sister while folding her shirts. 

   "It's a work in progress, by the way, Dad is coming on Wednesday, and tomorrow, we start school." 

"Finally, so I can start signing up for clubs and maybe I can join the Theater -"

     "Jesus, Amayla, you work too hard. When will you start having some fun?"

Amayla was about to scowl her sister until the doorbell rang. The two sisters can only hear their mother having a conversation with a woman. Mrs. Harris calls down Amayla and Diana downstairs for the introduction of their next-door neighbor. 

   "Mrs. Mantle, these are my daughters, Amayla & Diana. Girls, this is Mrs. Mantle and her son Reggie."

Amayla and Diana both greet Mrs. Mantle, meanwhile, Reggie stays quiet, holding a vanilla buttercream cake that Mrs. Mantle made for her new neighbors. Amayla scans the tall boy who has walked into her home. He wears a blue and yellow football jersey with dark blue jeans. His hair is black and fluffy, the kind where you easily run your hands through. He is muscular, with very nice jawline and broad body. Reggie looks over Amayla and stares at her. She blinks her eyes and puts her head down while standing on her tip of her toes.

"Amayla Honey, do you mind showing Reggie the kitchen so he can put the cake down?" Mrs. Harris says, finally breaking the scan, knowing that she had no clue what was happening. 

"Yes, Mom!" Amayla says as she starts walking slowly towards the kitchen. Reggie follows her, and they both make it to the kitchen in one decent piece. Amayla opens the cover of the cake and stares at it. Reggie stares at her look, thinking that Amayla thought the cake was poisonous. 

"She didn't poison it, you know. It's editable and safe." Reggie says as he whips his finger onto the buttercream frosting, taking a dollop from the cake and licking it off his finger.

"I know that. I was just observing the spatula strokes." Amayla said, swooping her finger onto the buttercream frosting and licking it off her finger.

                                                                              "Spatula strokes?"

          "Yes, they are very interesting."                  

"In your opinion?"

    "That is what I said," Amayla says as she closes the cover of the cake and turns to him. "Reggie, right?"

"Yep, Reggie Mantle alive in the flesh. So, you're Riverdale's new student?"

"Well, I am and my sister... We're from Colorado, and we just moved a couple of days ago."

Reggie nods as his eyes scan the house. Amayla was a little nervous because she had never talked to a boy before. Like ever. Amayla clears her throat and grabs a water bottle from the fridge. Reggie stares at Amayla drinking water and starts to scan Amayla himself. Amayla had on a white crop top with blue overalls. She had paint on her overalls, which indicated she painted her bedroom. She had fluffy hair, which she put up into a ponytail with her bang perfectly curled. Her features were pretty, Amayla had hazel brown eyes with delicate and long eyelashes with a button nose and big, pink, and full lips. Reggie is almost awe. He noticed how really pretty she was. Amayla blinks as she stares at him. 

"Is something wrong? Did I get something on me? -"

"Oh no, you're good..." Reggie says, still staring at her, and then looks away. 

"Reggie! It's time to go!" Mrs. Mantle says as she giggles on with Mrs. Harris. 

"Nice meeting you, neighbor. See you soon?" 

"Yeah! See you soon. Or at school, I mean." Amayla says. 

Reggie nods, and he leaves the kitchen and Amayla exhales and leans on the kitchen counter, amazed by how she remained calm.

Amayla picks out her clothes and organizes her backpack for school tomorrow. She was a little nervous, hoping that Riverdale High would be much better than her old school. After finishing her tasks, Amayla is about to close her curtains and notices Reggie in his bedroom with wet hair while having a towel behind his neck. He had just gotten out the shower and started getting ready for bed. Amayla closes her curtains and goes to her bed, ready to start off her new school and ordinary life in Riverdale.

Best Part: Reggie Mantle FFWhere stories live. Discover now