Is It Over?

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"Ah!" Toby screeched as Camelot tipped violently sideways. "A rescue would be great anytime now!"

"I agree with Tobias!" Blinky exclaimed, gripping the side of the table with as much strength as he could manage so the six-eyed troll wouldn't fall over.

"We must have patience!" Merlin advised. Krel, who was also holding onto the table, lost his grip when a massive explosion rang throughout the castle.

"Kleb! I don't have time for patience!" Krel shouted, grabbing Aja's open hand so he wouldn't fall out of the window.

Suddenly, Douxie and the rest of the team appeared outside Camelot, their ship flying steadily next to the castle.

"Sorry for the delay. You wouldn't believe the traffic!" Douxie exclaimed, a humorous grin falling over his face.

"Haha," Krel laughed sarcastically, jumping onto the ship with his sister Aja. "Very funny."

"Are you all alright?" Aja asked worriedly, scanning them all over for injuries.

"We're alright," Steve assured, falling into a warm embrace with his partner.

"You two are gross," Krel gagged.

"How long were we gone?" Douxie asked, helping Merlin onto the ship.

"Hardly a minute," Merlin answered, looking over to Jim and Blinky hugging. "Everything go according to plan?"

"Wouldn't you remember?" Claire asked, looking at Merlin.

"It's been a while," Merlin defended. "I'm an old man."

"You're older than an old man," Morgana jabbed, stepping onto the ship.

"Ah, there you are, Morgana," Merlin stated. "I thought you'd never show up."

"Nari and I were making sure the order didn't spot us," Morgana hummed, looking down at Nari, who stood by her side.

"Is that everyone?" Douxie asked. Nari nodded and held Morgana's leg for comfort. With affirmation, Douxie pushed his staff forward, sending the ship's bow downwards to the ground.

"The order is following us!" Nari exclaimed, looking anxiously behind them. "They will not stop until they have what they want."

"Well, the order can kiss my a—" Douxie started.

"Look out!" Jim exclaimed, grabbing Claire and taking her to the ground with him. Shards of dark magic flew over their heads.

"Holy guacamole!" Krel shouted, eyes wide. "What was that?!"

"That, my blue friend, was the Green Knight," Merlin informed.

"My brother," Morgana sighed, pain weighing in her voice. "He will stop at nothing to end us all."

"I think I just Nugot Nummied my pants," Krel admitted, gulping loudly from behind her.

"Ew, that is disgusting, brother," Aja grimaced.

"It is the truth!" He returned.

Morgana looked between the siblings and frowned before turning back to the Arcane's ship and her brother. She clenched her fists as Merlin walked up to her.

"I do not know if I can save him like you have all saved me," Morgana admitted. "I believe his mind may be too far gone."

"It is not his mind that is too far gone, my friend," Merlin responded. "But his beliefs that blind any chance of his savior. While you share blood, you don't share strength in heart. You are strong, Morgona, and Arthur is not."

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