Babysitter and Friends

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Grabbing the stick that Doc dropped by her feet, Sasha throws it as far as she can and watches Doc bark and chase after it before going back to holding Meredith's hand.

Derek turns to Meredith, "So your friends- are they still mad about this very bad, horrible thing you did?"

"For the last time-" Sasha starts.

"Meredith didn't do anything wrong and George is a baby," Derek and Meredith finish for her, having heard her say the same thing over and over.

Sasha glares slightly at the two as they smile at her, "Actually, I was gonna say he's an ass but baby works too."

"Yes, they're still upset," Meredith continues, pulling Sasha closer by the hand, "And I'm still not telling you the very bad, horrible thing I did."

"Well, whatever it is, don't tell me. Even if I beg, don't tell me," Derek tells them.

"Okay, I won't," Meredith smiles, fully intending on keeping that promise.

"But he's really good at begging when he wants to be. Do you remember that night where-"

Meredith covers Sasha's mouth with her hand, "Shh. We don't need reminders."

Derek laughs, loudly as he also remembers that night, "Well, don't tell me. Although, we are friends."

Sasha nods, moving Meredith's hand off her mouth, "We are friends."

"Technically, you tell a friend stuff. You two come to me with a problem, and I'll give you the answer," Derek tries to persuade them, "After, maybe we celebrate the moments of our lives."

"We will keep that in mind next time I do a horrible thing," Meredith tells him, taking a sip of the water Sasha had brought along.

"What about you, Shepherd? We're sitting here talking about Meredith, but what about your problems? Anything you wanna tell us about?" Sasha decided to get the attention off Meredith.

"Truthfully? At this moment in time, I don't have any problems. Not a single one," He smiles at them as Doc brings a stick back to them.


The interns walk upstairs in the hospital, Bailey, Baby Tuck and George leading the group, "What's up with George's hair? Is he having a nervous breakdown?" Izzie questions the other females in the group.

"Burke says he's got issues," Cristina comments.

"I could have told you that," Sasha snorts.

"You should see them together. They're, like, doing things, like running and cooking and talking. They're, like, bonding," Cristina explains, causing Sasha's face to scrunch up in disgust.

"Who just does that?"

"I know, right?" Cristina looks to her sister.

Izzie decides to interject herself into the conversation, "And you're afraid that Burke will realize he makes a better girlfriend than you?"

Cristina and Sasha share an annoyed look before Cristina says, "You know, Meredith, just go and apologize to him."

Meredith sighs, "I've tried."

"Try again. Things can't stay like this. They suck like this," Izzie urges.

She falls back as Alex runs to join the group as Sasha looks to her sister, "I say it's your turn to deal with him. I already have to live with Stevens."

Cristina shakes her head, "You see, that sounds fair but it isn't."


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