Pronouns: He/They
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Birthday: May 19th
Age: 17
Height: 5'9
Likes: Being silly, sunsets, eating sweets, sci-fi, movies, hamsters
Dislikes: Dishonesty, secrets, people who can't communicate
Fears: Being forgotten about, being replaced, not being able to protect Tessa, spiders
Strengths: Intelligent, optimistic, success drive
Weaknesses: Can't focus, rash, overly analytical
Unique Power: Alternate
Realm: S.R.Character specific details
Zay's character was originally going to be a calm, cool and collected individual. Someone with the power to see alternate futures should be levelheaded, however, I thought it would be more fun to make him someone chaotic who can't stay focused.
I thought to give him characteristics of someone with ADHD. As of now, you haven't seen that side of him, but you will as the story progresses.
The Splice of The Realms
General FictionIn a world divided into four groups, there is a role for everyone. Every group has their own realm found in each corner of the country they share. The top right corner has the largest population. There lives the people of the Mystery Realm (M.R.) T...