Robotic Furies!!/Pathway to Apokolips!

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Back with Izuku...

As he kept stressing himself, saving everyone he can, he soon noticed-

All of Class 1-A.

Izuku: What the? What are you guys doing here?

Iida: We need you Midoriya. Please, come back!

Izuku: I can't. I'm a big target for-

Ochaco: We know you have been pushing yourself this entire time.

Shoto: You haven't even eaten or slept.

Izuku: I'm fine. Really.

They start to cautiously approach him.

Seto: Okay, listen Midoriya, we can save the trouble if we just-

But he quickly moved out of the way.

Mina: What the?

Kyoka: Hey! What's the big idea?

Kiiro: We're only here to-

He tried to punch the ground to get rid of them.

Kiiro: Guess we're going to have to do this the hard way.


All For One was on Oa, the home of the Green Lanterns!

All For One: I already crushed one Green Lantern. You want more to suffer?

???: You have caused enough damage already.

Guardians of the Universe (Leaders of the Green Lantern Corps!)

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Guardians of the Universe (Leaders of the Green Lantern Corps!)

All For One: Hmph, you're just as foolish as the man known as Jordan.

His eyes flared to show the Omega Beams' power and then-

In just a few seconds...

The Guardians were on the floor, burnt up, ripped in two, and severely damaged.

All For One: Pathetic.

But then he noticed the other Green Lanterns.

One stood before him.

???: You're going to pay for this!

???: You're going to pay for this!

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John Stewart

All For One: So, you all still stand against me? Even when you know you have no chance? I'll show you idiotic fools that willpower will be your downfall in the end.

Stewart proceeded to unleash a bunch of his attacks on All For One, who just took it all like if they were nothing.

Stewart: What?

All For One: Pathetic.

With just one punch, he sent the Green Lantern flying right into the core battery.

All For One: All I have to do is destroy this battery, and-


All For One: You're just prolonging the inevitable.


And he managed to do damage to All For One, even stabbing him in the eye!


He grabbed his arm and began to crush it with such strength.

Before anyone knew it....

All For One went to destroy the battery leaving John Stewart on the ground, with all of his limbs torn off.

All For One: There is no more hope for any of you. No more will to pluck up. This is going to be an example, for Earth.

Back on Earth...

As Class 1-A continued to try and restrain Izuku, they noticed what seemed to be an explosion out in the sky.

Izuku: What the?

At the same time...

You had arrived in a swamp where a being rose out.

Swamp Thing

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Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing: Why have you come?

(Y/N): Earth needs you. You must help us.

Swamp Thing: Humankind has made the green suffer. Why should I help?

(Y/N): Because they have the power to destroy the green that you love so much.

Swamp Thing: Show me. I will only be convinced through-

You brought him to a big device which is harvesting the planet, and-

Swamp Thing: They ... will suffer for this.


???: Lord All For One. We have intruders.

All For One: Is that so? Send out the Furies, I will be back soon.

A silhouette in a Bat suit is shown, and some half robotic beings, who looked like Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Midnight, Twice, and Aquaman appear.

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