Chapter FortyEight-"Safe"

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Author's note: Whether anyone reads this or not (sorry, my forte is werewolf stuff apparently), I enjoyed creating this and depending on the few readers of this, I might or might not make a sequel...but thank you for everyone who read and I hope you read some of my other stories(:

A/N (5/2018-2022): THERE WILL BE NO SEQUEL because Angela hurts my soul at her lack of depth HOWEVER, I do have another story called "Superheroes, Super Problems" which would be a great read for all of y'all who were frustrated with how Angela couldn't figure out who Proliator was soon enough. In that story, it's 10x more comic booky (quick action, short story) and way easier to write a prequel or sequel if it (doubtfully) becomes a hit. If you want something more complicated and WAY more in depth, check out my book "Us Mutants Prefer the Term Special" and its sequel. Thanks again for reading!


"Suspended? You're suspended!?" our father actually yelled at Sebastian. He was normally a cool and nonchalant guy. The fact that he yelled made the room's temperature drop by thirty degrees with the coldness in his tone.

I was in the principal's office with Sebastian and Dad. Sebastian was slouching in his seat, covering his mutilated face with his hand. Although Dastan take a single punch, Hayden definitely did. Of course Nik decided to jump in right then.

Hayden had been in the office before us and when he exited, he broke a frame of glass in the door because he slammed it so hard. I had learned that he didn't have the same super strength as the Vegas, but he trained as if he was one for whenever he switched places with Dastan to cover as the Proliator. He had immediately accosted Sebastian in anger, despite our father sitting there.

"You need to watch yourself instead of saying that to us!" he growled. Then he looked to me. His posture lessened and his composure wasn't very rage-filled, but he still looked mad. "Now I can see why Vega feels as he does..."

"What is that--"

"Mr. Marshal," our angered principal addressed, slightly glancing at his broken window. "You can grab your belongings and go home," he scolded before addressing my dad. "Mr. Warden..."

My brother and father stood up as Hayden's look lingered with mine before an assistant principal escorted him out of the office.

It took fifteen minutes to discuss everything in completion. The only reason I stayed here was because I felt guilty. I knew I wouldn't get any kind of punishment for standing around, but I still wanted to be there.

And now I knew the outcome.


"I don't think you understand how severe this is, Veronica!" my father was now in an argument with Veronica hours later when I had gotten out of school and when she got home from work. He informed her on Sebastian's punishment, but she was acting like this was a normal thing for teenagers to do while Dad wasn't having it.

I closed my bedroom door not wanting to hear the fighting, but seconds later, it cracked open enough for Jem to run inside and curl up beside me on my bed.

"Why is Sebastian suspended?" 

"He got in a fight," I answered without any emotion.

"Sebastian knows how to fight?" he asked.


"Never mind," Jem interrupted. "I saw his face...he lost, didn't he?"

"Sure," I shrugged as I was too focused looking out of the window. I heard police sirens and my heart sped up, as if expecting to see the Proliator leading the pursuit, but I was let down.

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