The Atomic Hero!!

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News got out about a new student to the Superhero Program at Star Academy, to be more precise, one for Class 1-A.

Aizawa: We have a new student joining our class today.

???: A pleasure to meet all of you!

Kiiro Kakuheiki (Newest Student of Class 1-A! His Quirk is Chernobyl, which lets him use nuclear fusion and fission, as well as anything related to it! Hero in training! Originally made by @StrikerRider!)

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Kiiro Kakuheiki (Newest Student of Class 1-A! His Quirk is Chernobyl, which lets him use nuclear fusion and fission, as well as anything related to it! Hero in training! Originally made by @StrikerRider!)

Katsuki just glared at him.

Katsuki: Not a fan.

Kirishima: Maybe if you weren't always with a chip on your shoulder, then-

Katsuki: Then what? Go on.

Kirishima: Ugh, nevermind.

Mineta: Yeah, this guy might have a pretty face, but-

He puts a suspicious look.

Mineta: He's probably just some playboy who gets all the girls to like him!!

Kaminari: What?! That's just degradable!

Both of the pervs of the class made annoyed looks at Kiiro.

Izuku: Uh ... I don't think he's like that at all. In fact, his quirk could possibly rival One For All.

Kiiro: I look forward to training as a hero with all of you! Just like (Y/N) (L/N)!

Iida: That's the spirit!

Iida stood up and bowed.

Iida: We welcome you, our fellow comrade in arms.

Izuku: It's great to meet you!

Girls: Hello!

Class 1-A (minus Katsuki, Kaminari, and Mineta): Nice to meet you!


Out on the training field, Kiiro was in a PE outfit and prepared to show off to Class 1-A his skills.

He began firing nuclear blasts!

Kiiro: This is Nuclear Shot!

Then he generated a lot of energy and formed a circular bomb.

Kiiro: This is Nuclear Bomb! It covers a lot of area compared to Nuclear Shot.

He started showing off his other techniques such as Nuclear Wildfire, and Nuclear Winter.

Most of the class was impressed except for the two pervs, and the porcupine head.


Okay, sheesh.

You were watching from nearby and smile.

(Y/N): I have to admit, those abilities are cool, if ... dangerous-looking. I hope I can fight alongside him soon.

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