Chapter 18

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            Almost immediately she saw Helian sitting on a bench by the statue of a young girl and reading a book. When she approached he looked up and smiled at her. "Hello." He said. "Hi."

Luna smiled at him and looked at him, sitting next to him and looking over his shoulder and wondered what he was reading. "It's a book about the castle; I thought that it would be worth reading. It has all of the old secret passages and everything. Thought it would be useful." Luna nodded. "I told Rohan." She said and waited for Helian to start to yell at 0her but surprising he didn't, all he asked was. "Is he going to the king or the guards?" Luna shook her head. "No, he said that he wants to help us." Helian raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really?" Luna shook her head. "Yes." "Tell him to meet us in the training room tomorrow, we will talk there." He said and Luna nodded. "I'll send a message through one of the owls that Aryn has." She responded and when that was all taken care of Luna wondered who else would want to join their cause.

They already had Luna, Helian, and now they had Rohan and possibly Owen and Aryn. Three more people wanted freedom, just like they did from the king. How would they get others to come and join their cause? Looking around the gardens she wondered what Helian would do when he saw Rohan and the others, what would they do when everyone was together? She thought and shrugged, they would find that out later. Right now she had to go and find Aryn, there is something that she wanted to talk to her about and she didn't want to shrug her duties as her companion. She had been so caught up with Helian and their plan that she had kind of left Aryn all alone and if word had gotten to the king that she had done that, then she would be out of a job really quick and their plan to kill the king wouldn't work.

She walked back into the castle and went towards the wing that her rooms where in. she had to find Aryn, she had to find her and talk to her about what she was going to do, she knew what they were going to do she had to tell her that Rohan and the others where going to help them.

"Luna!" someone called from down the hall and she turned and sighed, it was Aryn. "You are just the person that I need to talk to." She said and pulled her into a room, from the things around the room she sighed, it was her own room. "What?" Aryn asked and pulled her arm from Luna's grasp and folding her arms looked at her. "What is going on?" she asked and Luna bit her lip. "You remember what I told you, right?"

Aryn looked at her and nodded. "Yes." "Well, I now have others that feel the same way, we are meeting later, if you have time to come you can." Aryn laughed, "Of course I want to come, who is going to explain it to the king tho?"

Luna smiled when she called her father 'the king' instead of his name or father and Aryn saw this and shrugged. "What, it is something that we all have to get use to, since he is going to be either, dead or off the throne." Luna nodded. "Good for you, now, do you know where your brother is?" "I think he is back in the ballroom, we should get back, its been about an hour and the guests might be getting restless cause you are not there. You are the guest of honor and you have just disappeared with the prince and others. Rumors will start to fly around if we don't get back." Aryn said and Luna nodded. She was right, but she didn't want to go back, she didn't want to pretend that she was fine with the way that the king was ruling his kingdom.

"I want to change, I will be out in a second." She said and saw Aryn sit on the bed waiting for her. "What do you think the others will think when the kings own children want him gone as well?" Aryn asked and Luna shrugged as she slipped off the silver white dress and laid put on a dark green dress that Aryn had picked out for her. "I am not sure what we are going to do, how are we going to keep him from finding out about everything?" Aryn asked once Luna had come out of the room dressed. Luna looked at her and shook her head. "I don't know, but we will find out how." She said and together they walked down the hall, Aryn was dressed in the royal colors of green and silver because she was the princess and Luna saw Helian dressed in the same colors.

"Hello, are you ready for this?" Helian asked and eyed her dress with a smile as he held out his arm for her, which Luna took with a smile of her own. "This is going to be awesome." She said and the servants that where at the double doors opened them for them and Helian and Luna stepped inside the massive ballroom.

It was decked out in the royal colors of silver and green and Luna looked around, the king and queen where on their thrones and King Waylyn looked at Luna and raised his eyebrow. "What do you think he wants?" Aryn asked and Luna shook her head. "I have no idea." "Want to go and see what he wants?" Luna asked and Aryn nodded and started making her way to the dais. When they got to it Queen Elowyn smiled at Luna and Luna smiled back. "I was told that you wanted to see me?" she asked and the queen shook her head. "Yes, we are wondering how you like your celebration so far?" she asked, her sing song voice carrying further then Luna would like it to and so she smiled and nodded. "I like it very much. Thank you for doing this for me." She said and went to turn away to go and find Helian but the queen's voice stopped her. "After tonight, don't worry about everything, it will all work out in the end."

Luna frowned at her words and turned back to ask her what she meant but then spotted Aryn looking at her and she shook her head, she would find out what they meant later, right now she had to go and find Helian and then have fun. For some reason she turned and looked back towards the dais and saw that the king was no longer sitting besides Elowyn and she shook her head, that was nothing new, he was just mingling with guests. She thought nothing of that and grabbed a glass of Jade Wine and went to find Helian, walking along the perimeter of the ballroom, looking for his black hair and green and silver clothes. He was not where she had left him last time and she barley caught a flash of his clothes as he was pulled out of the ballroom with who she assumed was the king.

That was strange, what did he want to talk to him about? She wondered and then decided that she would find out, sipping her drink she made it seem like she was going to get some air and slipped out of the ballroom and down the hall. She got out the door just to see the two men turn and go down the hall. Making sure that she had access to her dagger she followed them quickly but silently. They weren't saying anything but she didn't want to miss whatever was going to happen.

When she got to the end of the hallway she saw that they where going to the library and so she slipped down the hall and slipped into the room behind then just as Helian stepped through the door and she stood close to the door, it was light inside but the corners where dark enough that Luna could stay in the corners and listen and not be seen. Taking a deep breath she listened closely to what they were going to say closely and wondered if it had to do with her, how right she was and she wouldn't like it.

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