XLII. protect valencia

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"hey, it's me again. i, uh, don't know why you can't seem to call me back. maybe it's because you think you're punishing me. but this is too long. it's too much. and it's not about us. somethings happening in beacon hills, to the people here. i just... i need to know everyone there with you is okay, so can you just please, call me, please? one call, that's all i'm asking for, and if you can't call me back then... i'm going to get my answer, anyway. that means i'm coming up there myself. if i don't get a call from you, i'm coming up there. so just try to remember, it's my pack too."

scott closed the phone, causing the voicemail to finally stop. valencia threw her head back, leaning it against the wall with her hands placed on her lap. her legs were crossed over the other as she sat up on the counter in the animal clinic.

"you pulled this off one of the dead bodies in the woods?" theo asked, causing everyone to look over at him, besides valencia who closed her eyes tightly.

"malia did." liam answered, pushing himself off the wall and fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"yeah, there was six dead bodies." scott announced to the rest of the pack. "one of them had no face." valencia raised her eyebrow at the comment, finally looking at her friends.

"okay so, the one with no face. you think that's the woman on the phone?" theo asked, moving away from the door and instead moving to stand infront of a half-wall beside mason.

"maybe." scott shrugged and sat on the counter with the phone in his hand.

"it's the same thing that happened to aaron." mason informed his alpha. "it took over his body, basically stole his face and his DNA. so that means whoever this woman is, she could be the other half of the anuk-tie."

"which means she's just half of the problem." theo figured. "the other half we already know about aaron."

"we don't know where he is, though." valencia looked down at her hands on her lap, twirling her ring around her finger and sliding it on and off as a distraction.

"okay, hold on. aren't we supposed to keep both halves apart? if we know about one half, let's just go for that one, that's aaron." theo tried to tell the pack, glancing between every one of them.

"i'm not agreeing with theo, but i do think it's be easier to track down aaron over a voice on a phone." mason shrugged his shoulders.

"that's agreeing with theo." liam squinted his eyes.

"yeah. but i thought i'd try soften the blow a bit." mason said, earning a stern looking from theo who stood almost beside him. theo pushed himself up.

"is everyone completely shocked that i might be right?" theo asked, watching the pack share looks between one another, minus his girlfriend.

"no, we just don't like it." liam muttered, facing his alpha beside him before he walked away from his spot.

"maybe, we're all right. maybe we should be looking for both, aaron and the woman on the phone." scott came to a decision of his own. "i mean, since you guys agree... and valencia i guess."

"wait, you mean me and..." mason started and trailed off.

"him?" theo raised his eyebrows, looking up at the alpha in shock.

"and me!" valencia exclaimed from beside scott, flashing a forced smile at the boys who ignored her as they were a little busy trying to figure out why they were in the same group as each other.

"yeah. you three find aaron." scott told the trio, nodding his head at the two boys infront of him who seemed baffled.

"liam, isaac and i will try figure out whose voice is on the phone." scott announced, and liam and isaac made their way to stand beside the alpha, whilst valencia walked over to theo and mason, leaning her head on theo's shoulder.

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