Shadow of a Bribe - Fifth Year

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Sebastian POV

"Ominis," Sebastian said simply, when he saw the boy wake up at the bed next to him. He reached his right arm into the air and stretched it, his left arm still not up to what it was before the basilisk attack.

"Sebastian," he yawned.

"I'm sorry."

The boy nodded, settling back into bed. "I know."

Sebastian blinked. "Yeah?"


"You'd never guess what," Sebastian smiled coyly.

"Oh I could guess. My hearing is very good."

Sebastian's throat closed up. "Sorry?"

"Did you tell Y/N I said hello?" The boy smirked.

"Um. No."

"That's too bad. You stink of a make out session, Sebastian. Have a fucking shower." He laughed and turned over, closing his eyes - his face towards Sebastian's.

Sebastian knew Ominis couldn't see him but still couldn't bear to look at them. redness flushed his neck from embarrassment.

"How much did you hear?"

"I'm mostly kidding," Ominis admitted, a smile still plastered on his half-asleep face. "I know you used a silencing charm. You just didn't cast it very well, and my senses make up for my blindness. I'm sure no one else heard a thing."

"I was in.. the heat of the moment," Sebastian decided to say, and almost facepalmed at how embarrassing that was to admit. Ominis buried his head in his pillow and pretended to cover his ears. "I heard you and Imelda come in though."

He put his head up. "We'll we're even then."

"Mm," Sebastian said. He picked at a bit of lint on his pyjama shirt and thought of his night with Y/N. He'd been waiting for that moment for so long - it had finally happened. His heart swelled up.

"Did you get what you wanted from that day?" ominis said suddenly, and Sebastian was pulled from his thoughts.


"What do you plan to do with it?"

"Find a way to save Anne. Away from Solomon's gaze."

"What if it doesn't tell you what you want to know? What will you do with it?"

Sebastian grabbed the book from under his mattress and passed it to Ominis. "Feel it," he said, and the boy obliged. His arms tensed from the weight of it. "There's got to be something in there that could save her. I'm already part of the way through it's about dark-"

"I don't want to hear it," Ominis said, rather aggressively. "Sorry. I just don't want to be a part of any dark magic scheming. You said you wouldn't mess around in dark arts after this. It's why I went into the scriptorium in the first place."

"I wont," Sebastian lied. He knew the whole book was about dark arts, and he knew that Anne had been cursed with some kind of black magic. Only the same could reverse the curse. And he was determined to do it.


Herbology was usually quite fun, but you couldn't concentrate today. Your night with Sebastian - well - you didn't think you'd ever be able to stop thinking about it. You had these feelings for him that were so complicated, but you needed to be with him. You'd almost do anything for him.

So when he came up to you in class to ask if he could have a private discussion with you, you obliged straight away. Anything to talk to him, to get to know intimate parts about him. But it wasn't about him. It was about Anne.

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