Silas Found

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Here's the next chapter for you. Comment and or vote and enjoy.

Author's note: As of today I'm hoping to get back to my regular update schedule of updating every Saturday. hopefully nothing more gets in the way. 


Clio and Jin walked all around the murder house so Clio could see it and learn more about his ability to feel the emotions of the ghosts living there. He'd never felt anything like what he was feeling right now before and had never been in a predicament, where he could learn about his new found ability of sensing emotions, like this before so he didn't know until now he could sense the emotions of the dead and living and so strongly. This was all so new to him and he wanted to explore it a bit more and learn what he could with it. Clio couldn't see the spirits like Jin could but he could sense them through the emotions they felt and yes ghosts had emotions of their own. He could feel their emotions as if they were his own though he knew they weren't.

The duo decided to start upstairs and work their way down. They walked through all the rooms upstairs until they got to the last room on the left a few feet from the stairs. This was the room that had seen two deaths. Jin stayed by the door and Clio moved into the middle of the room.

"There is pain and sadness here but also a very strong feeling of love," Clio stated softly. "Jin what do you see?"

"There are two ghosts in here. Just as I thought there would be. A boy and a girl over by the bed."

Clio glanced over at the bed. There were two ghosts there according to Jin. Clio could feel them. Even though he couldn't see them he knew they were there. Were they the source of the strong feeling of love? Were they in love with each other? Had they been in love with each other in life too? Jin described the two spirits and the scene to Clio.

"The girl is laying on the bed on her stomach. Average height, In physical shape and curvy. Mid back length black hair kept up in a ponytail and her eyes are brown. She's holding the hand of her male companion."

"Is she now. That explains the strong love feeling. They do love each other and probably did in life as well. The pain and sadness must be from their deaths. They died in great pain," Clio mused as Jin continued describing what he saw.

"The boy is sitting on the floor with his back to the side of the bed. He's about the girl's height and in good shape. His hair is brown with a little red on the left side and it's shoulder length. His eyes are a medium brown and both him and the girl are in dark clothing the boy has a choker on and black gloves the girl doesn't."

"Let's continue on shall we," Clio decided.

Jin and Clio left the room and headed for the stairs. There had been three deaths. Two of them had been at the top of the stairs and the third had been right on them. Clio got a sense of pain again but also fear, content and a sense of caring.

"There are two ghosts sitting on the floor at the top of the stairs. One on the same side as the stairs and the other diagonally from him. They are both male," Jin revealed.

"They are both male?" Clio echoed. "Are they related or close in some way? There is a sense of contentment and deep caring that usually comes from a significant other or a very close friend or family member."

"They are brothers," Jin relayed to Clio after one of the ghosts had told him. " The one on the same side as the stairs is a blonde. He died in the massacre. He's in shape with long blonde hair with red streaks on either side of his head and blue eyes. He's in a white shirt and a black jacket and black pants. His shoes are also black. Like the boy in the room he has a black choker around his neck and black gloves on his hands."

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