5: EX

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I stood alone by the car door as Tristan linked his hand on Jacob's arm. If I had known I'd see them here, we should've just left minutes ago.

"Rain! It's been a while." Tristan smiled that same fake smile he's always had since we were in high school.

Tristan and I went to the same high school and he's been competing with me ever since I could remember. Though I really don't see it that way, Tristan always wanted to win against me in everything, literally everything. From exams, contests, to even being first in line at the school canteen. I thought it was a mere childish thing so I never minded it until the day of our reunion where I introduced them my then boyfriend Jacob.

We've just broken up and now they're here walking around like newlyweds and clinging to each other like this. I could still feel a sharp sting on my chest everytime I remember the night I caught them having sex in our apartment just before my birthday. This sucks. Feeling like this sucks.

"Hey." I forced out a smile as they walked towards me, more like Tristan pulling Jacob with him.

"Come on love, we should at least greet him." I could hear Tristan say as they got nearer.

"Love, I think it's better not to—"

"Oh come on. It's not like you can avoid each other forever."

Love. So they call each other 'love' too, just like how we did.

"Oh, why the long face? Don't tell me you still feel awkward? We did settle everything at the police station, right?" Tristan reminded as he smiled brightly, obviously enjoying what's happening.

How insensitive can a person be? Just so he could prove everyone that he's better than me, Tristan's willing to do anything and I know he wouldn't miss the chance to rub it to my face. I thought I already felt fine but seeing them makes me re-live everything, every pain and regrets felt fresh again.

"Ra, sorry to keep you waiting." A familiar voice called out as I felt a hand on my waist making me turn to my left and I saw Phayu by my side.

"Ra?" I mumbled as he smiled.

"I didn't know what curry noona liked so I just got one of each flavor." He said with a smile with a bag filled with packs of curry mix.

"Rain, who is he?" I heard Jacob ask making me look at him.

How ironic. He's the one that cheated and hurt me but now he's looking at me like I did something worse. I felt furious and frustrated at how things are turning out but I can't even talk back. I'm afraid that the moment I open my mouth, tears start flowing non-stop. I could feel my knees go weak and I had to hold on to Phayu's arm for support, I can't afford to act weak in front of these people.

"I'm his man. So you must be that guy, right?" I could hear a hint of annoyance from Phayu's voice.

"That guy?" I heard Jacob ask but I can't bear to look at them.

"Yeah, the useless guy that let him go. I should thank you for being the jerk you are. If you weren't, I would never have the chance to have Ra-ra." Phayu sounded boastful and I could feel myself blush in an instant.

"What did you say?" I could hear Jacob's frustration.

"Love, that's enough. I think we should go." I heard Tristan call out and it made me want to look at them.

Jacob looked really pissed but Tristan looked different, he was staring at Phayu and I could feel his malicious intentions from where I stood.

"Who was I kidding? Here I am feeling bad for breaking up with you like that but it seems like they were right. That I was replaceable. Guess we don't need closure after all." Jacob said as I glared at them.

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