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Aravyn sat by the waters of the lake, her quill gliding over her parchment. She looked up and shivered. Winter was coming fast and the trees in the forest were already starting to loose leaves.
Aravyn folded her parchment and tucked it in her pocket, she pushed her long ponytail away from her face. The giant squid in the lake splashed about beneath the calm waters.
Twitching her nose she morphed into a silver fox and pattered down to the edge of the lake. A howl was heard across the lake and a great black dog charged down the banks towards her, followed by a large stag.
Aravyn ignored them as they approached, curiously. The black dog approached her and she stood straighter, almost as tall as it. The stag sniffled her pelt then shook put it's antlers. The dog let out a growl, Aravyn didn't move.
A strange pair it was to see a huge black dog and stag together, then Aravyn remembered something James had said on her first night a Hogwarts: "I'm a stag," James said proudly. "Peter is a rat, Sirius is this hulking black dog!
She looked into the dog's eyes and recognized Sirius' grey-blue eyes. She felt the dog's recognition and the stag stared on, oblivious. Then Sirius turned back to his human form, Aravyn followed. James did the same, a look of utter confusion on his face.
"How did you know?" He asked the pair, exasperated.
"I recognized this wotcher's eyes!" Aravyn said, flicking her head towards Sirius. Sirius nodded.
"Wow... You two are strange!" He shook his head.
A series of shouts was heard from the castle and the trio looked at each other.
"Sounds like trouble, but we aren't behind it..." Sirius said taking off in a sprint. Aravyn gaining on him. James racing behind them.
They reached the front hall were a group of students were gathered around a boy with a round face and kind, terrified eyes, surrounded by three tall Slytherin boys. Another Slytherin girl stood helpless, longing to help the lone Gryffindor. She was too late however, as Aravyn and James both drew their wands and stood in front of the boy.
"I suggest you guys pick a fight with someone else, don't you think Sirius?" James asked sarcastically.
"Right with you, there, James!" Sirius said from behind the slytherins. They all turned, just for the two in the middle to have their heads slammed together by Sirius and his leather jacket.
James and Aravyn both hexed the other two, leaving one with a heavily bleeding nose and the other without a large portion of his hair.
They sprinted away as James turned around to look at the boy.
"You alright Ted?" James asked the shaken up boy.
"I think so," the brown headed boy said, shaking out his hair. "They took my wand as soon as I drew it, didn't get any good hexes in though!" He smiled.
"Good, you coming to the Gryffindor Quidditch game next week?" James started. Aravyn realized it was her time to go talk to Sirius.
"That was awesome!" She breathed, looking up at him. Professor Binns walked through the crowd and through the body's on the ground, his head stuck in a book.
Aravyn looked at Sirius and they both burst out laughing. The crowd began to disperse and the three were left in the halls with the two unconscious Slytherins.
"Wanna play some Quidditch?" James asked.

The days went by fast, Aravyn was barely ever away from the four boys. The game against Hufflepuff was drawing close. The morning of the game Aravyn woke up early and smiled. She pulled on her uniform pants and a Gryffindor sweater. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and walked down to the great hall. The whole school was buzzing and chattering. She slid into the seat next to Sirius, taking a scone from the pile and taking a bite.
She looked over at moony who was deathly pale. His hair looked unwashed and his eyes were bloodshot. She nudged Sirius who continued to stare down at his food. James had the same reaction. Peter kept clicking his teeth and taking sips of his pumpkin juice.
"You guys ready for the game?" Asked the dirty blonde boy from tryouts.
"Yeah, totally!" James said, glad to be talking about something.
"You'll do great," the blonde patted Aravyn on the shoulder. Sirius wrinkled his nose.
"Gah," Sirius said once the guy was gone, "that's Jax McCarthy, seventh year! Never shuts his trap!"
After breakfast Aravyn, Sirius, and James walked down to the field, Peter went to the stands to watch and moony headed instead to the library for some quite time.
The three separated from Peter and went into the locker room. Aravyn pulled her Quidditch robes on over her t-shirt. Sirius pulled his t-shirt up over his head and tossed it to James who threw it in a locker before handing Sirius his robes.
"C'mon mate, it's biting out here!" Sirius snapped, trying to warm himself. He pulled his robes over his head and down, Aravyn blinked, unaware she had been staring. James pushed his glasses back and whispered something in Padfoot's ear.
"All right you lot!" Matt said, walking in with his broom. "Our biggest threat is gonna be Bones and Macenerny as chasers, but Sam, their keeper, is a weak flyer! Shoot for the far hoops, got it?" Matt asked. A mutual reply of yes was heard before everyone picked up their brooms and headed towards the tunnel. Sirius handed Aravyn a bat.
"It's strong, it'll do well, it's not to heavy so you'll have good balance." Sirius whisperer in her ear. "Oh and, don't be afraid to hit a few at the teachers!"
She laughed and elbowed him playfully.
"Alright, play strong you lot! Score early and keep your eyes on the snitch Mclaggen!"
Everyone mounted and took off, the crowd roared from the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw as they circled the field.
"Alright! I want a nice clean game from all of you!" Madam Hooch, the Quidditch teacher, said.
She flicked her wand and the quaffle was released. James immediately dove for it, wrapping it in his hands and speeding towards the hoops. Aravyn's attention was torn away from the attack as a bludger came hurling at her head she flipped her broom and swung at the bludger, which hit the opposing hufflepuff chaser.
She heard a roar and turned to see James and Matt high five before turning to defend.
The game was stacked against the weak Hufflepuff team, soon the score was 90 to 10 and Mclaggen dove straight towards the ground. The Hufflepuff seeker dove after him, Mclaggen was too quick and swiped a gleaming, winged ball from the air. The crowed roared again and Sirius flew down towards the celebrating team, Aravyn following.
The Hufflepuffs sauntered off the pitch slowly, heads hung.
The first win of the season for the team was exciting but the Marauders were not into it. They stood closer to Mr. Moony, who had been steadily growing paler.
A dense cover of clouds moved in around noon and everyone retreated to their dorms.
Aravyn pulled Sirius to the side while the group had been walking through the terrace.
"Remus, he's a werewolf isn't he?" She asked in a hushed whisper.
"Yes," Sirius said simply. "Now that you've figured that out, you can join us in the Shrieking Shack tonight to sit with him as animals, or you can stay nice and cozy in the common room."
"I'll be there with you tonight," she said. Sirius' eyes widened. Sure she wasn't girly by any means but would she be willing to sit with a werewolf? He smiled at her and draped his leather jacket over her shoulders as rain started to patter down on their heads.

That night, Aravyn pulled on a loose, black V-neck t-shirt and skinny jeans, as well as Sirius' leather jacket that he had left with her and snuck down to meet Peter to walk down with him to the Womping Willow.
"You might change out here, it'll be easier for him to adjust if you do." He said quietly. Aravyn let herself change in the silver fox before stalking down the rocky path.
Sirius and James were already sitting there with Remus, who was shaking visibly, sweat rolling down his face.
Aravyn made a B line to sit next to Sirius. He patted her behind the ears then looked at Remus. "Aravyn is here, she said she wouldn't be anywhere else tonight," Remus stopped rocking for a moment to look respectfully at the fox before he gasped. James nodded at Sirius and Peter and they all turned into their respective animals.
Remus' pupils elongated and his nose began to stretch into a long muzzle. His legs stretched all the way out, ripping the pair of trousers he had been wearing. The buttons on his shirt ripped away from the seems and his shirt fell away.
A howl echoed across the grounds many more followed. All night he scratched at any chance for freedom, but the company from the others help him. Eventually as the first rays of sunlight peaked over the horizon, moony turned back into his normal, skinny, sixteen year old body. James wrapped him in a blanket and carried him off towards the hospital wing. Sirius pulled Aravyn onto his back and carried her to the castle steps and up towards Gryffindor tower. She nodded off as Sirius carried her. Peter had already fallen asleep on the rug next to the fire and Sirius laid Aravyn down to the couch, covering her with his jacket before collapsing, himself, on the armchair and falling asleep.

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