It depends

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Are you on your lunch break? - SH

Yes. Why are you asking? - JW

Do you want to play truth or dare? - SH

Sure - JW

Truth or dare? - SH

Truth - JW

Who was your first celebrity crush? - SH

Don't judge me but Jennifer Aniston - JW

Bit basic but okay - SH

I said don't judge me. Anyway, it's my turn. Truth or dare? - JW

Truth - SH

How much sleep did you get last night? - JW

Dare - SH

Go to sleep, Sherlock - JW

What about Rosie? - SH

Mrs Hudson can look after her - JW

She's not our housekeeper, John - SH

I know that but she offered to look after Rosie today and I just couldn't refuse - JW

Ugh. Fine but you better make this up to me - SH

Well, it depends - JW

On what? - SH

How good your stamina is - JW

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