And your eyes

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"You got this baby." Yihwa said over facetime.

"We actually wanted to meet up this morning but he changed it last minute.. He sounded like he's stressed.. I'm worried.."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you two will talk it out and everything will be fine."

"Yeah I agree with James." Kamphan added.

Mark nodded.

He sat at the busstop, waiting for Vee since this was the place they wanted to meet up.

"Who knows, maybe you'll end up in his bed today." Fuse suddenly said, making Yihwa gasp.



"Ow James, stop being so serious all the time. Let the boy have sex !"

"Yi, Guys I'm still at the busstop !" Mark shushed them.

"I don't want to have sex with him. I just want to talk it out and have him in my life again. I want him and his love, not just his body."

"Aw that's so cute and romantic.." Yihwa squealed.

"I really mean it. I mean - his hugs mean so much more to me than having sex."

"How do you know ? Did you have sex already?" Fuse asked.

"Maybe he's not good in bed?"

"Fuse, Kamphan..stop. you know I would've told you."


"Mark ?"

"I don't mean I would never have sex with him.."

"Mark ?!" Yihwa tried to get the others attention but the young boy didn't even look at his phone.

"I just want to have Vee's heart before we get to that point."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Mark turned around and looked into Vee's eyes.

"Hey Mark."

"Vee, hey !" He answered nervous

"I wanted to tell you that he's behind you but you wouldn't stop talking !" Yihwa said.

"I need to hang up guys. Bye."

Mark hurriedly put his phone away and jumped up, turning around to face Vee who was smiling.

"How come I didn't see you ?"

"I parked behind the mall. I couldn't find any parking spot."

"Oh I see."

"Shall we? I'm starving." Vee joked and Mark nodded.

They went inside a japanese restaurant.

Vee planned everything, trying to make the day as nice as possible for Mark.

🍂The Night We Met. // VeeMark Story Where stories live. Discover now