Chapter 2

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Finally made it there I was awoken by Lady Danbury hitting her cane on the ground "yes ma'am I'm up" I said standing up but as I didn't realize I was still in the carriage I hit my head hard before sitting back on the set "are you alright?"

"Yes" I said walking out of the carriage and taking in all the scenery "it's exactly how I remember it"

"I hope that's a good thing"

"Oh absolutely" I said turning around and smiling at Danbury "Shall we enter i have to meet with the queen soon that means i have to change"

"oh that sounds like fun I'll just go and unpack maybe walk around and get familiarised with everything" i said as i started to head inside "no i don't think so you are coming with me to see the Queen"

"But the Queen doesn't like surprises you know that"

"That's why the Queen knows you are already coming so go get dressed and we can head out to see the Queen she would be thrilled to see you" i sighed i can't get out of this so i might as well embrace it. "Alright i will get dressed but i won't do the diamond of the season thing"

"That's alright you're a little rusty so i don't suggest you do it at the moment"

"Okay I'll just go change and I'll meet you back here in a moment"

"Hurry we must make haste" she said and i nodded hurrying as fast as i could up the stairs and to my room. i really didn't know which room was mine i just followed the footman who carried my bags in.

After getting dressed i hurried down the stairs and Danbury was already there waiting for me "are you ready?"

"Yes, Lady Danbury" I said spinning for her and she hummed in satifcaistion i nodded and we headed out towards the Queen. I haven't been here and what seems like so long it does feel nice to be back i got lost in looking at everything i didn't realize we were pulling up towards the Queen's home.

As the door, open lady danbury stepped out and then i stepped out following a guy towards the hall "Your majesty" i said bowing and she looked at me for a moment before region clicked inside her eyes "Esmeralda is that you?"

"Yes your majesty it's been a long time since I've seen you and might i say you look even more beautiful now didn't know that was possible"

"Oh hush you always knew how to make a woman blush" i smiled up at her straightening back up as did Lady Danbury.

"I yearn for someone fresh, someone unexpected, to turn this season on its head that is what we need there is no room for indifference apathy is a blight the monarchy simply cannot endure." The Queen said as they started walking down the hallway i followed behind them listening and trying to stay out of sight i do not want to be named the diamond of the season.

"Of course, Your Majesty but remember, a young lady cannot be a diamond until you anoint her as such so if for any reason you do not find one among the candidates today-"

"Do you think she will return? We have heard nary a peep from Lady Whistledown since last season ended perhaps the writer came to her senses perhaps she realized taking on her queen was a bad idea, and she will never publish again."

"It is a convincing theory, ma'am."

"Or she simply left for the country, as the rest of everyone did in the off-season, bored by the lack of any real gossip." i chimed in and they both stopped, looking at me before nodding in agreement "You do know what that would make her, then? One of us." Her majesty said before walking away from us down the hall "Hmm" Lady Danbury and i said in unison before we followed her down the hall as well.

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