Right now you were with Yuuko, Mio, and Mai by a set of stairs.
(Y/N): What exactly are you ladies up to?
Yuuko: Oh! (Y/N), good timing! We need a spectator.
(Y/N): For what?
Mai: It's a game.
Mio: We basically climb the amount of steps depending on how many syllables there are in the words we say.
(Y/N): Interesting. How did you-
Mai: Out of boredom.
(Y/N): Right.
And so...
The three do some rock paper scissors and-
Mio: I go first! De-li-cous pi-na-pple!
She has climbed 6 steps.
(Y/N): Okay! Good!
They go again and-
Yuuko: Okay! Here I go!
(Y/N): No cheating Yuuko.
Yuuko: I know. Watch and see.
She smirked with a glint in her eye.
Yuuko: Ga-li-co ... cor-por-a-tion!
She got one step ahead of Mio.
Mio: What?! No fair! You can't add extra steps!
Yuuko: I was only saying the full thing. (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Eh, I'll led that slide. Mai?
Mai: 50 50.
And then finally with Mai...
Mai: Chi-yo-ta Ni-ke-ra-ha-to Ho-ra-su-te No-ha-te-ki Ra-to-na-ri-ha-shi-te-to.
With all of those freaking syllables all at once she climbed the full flight.
Mai: Incantation of ... resurrection.
Both Yuuko and Mio were left in shock.
(Y/N): And Mai wins!

Shounen Hero (Book 9)!!!!!!!!!
Fanfiction(Y/N) (L/N) is here! And I did not expect a lot of shit to be going down for this book! I mean All For One taking over Earth, Kirby coming back with his own mech, I'm fighting a deer for some strange reason, and well I got to do an arc with (gulp) D...