096. surprises

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Natalie and Jo walk up to the mansion's gate, both wearing evening dresses. Jo has heels on and Natalie is wearing knee high boots. Jo presses the button on the intercom.

"Hello?" The man on the other side of it asks.

"Hello. My car broke down. I-- I need some help." Jo says.

"I'll be down in a minute." The guy says. They wait and soon the gate opens, two men approaching.

"Evening, pretty ladies. Get yourselves on in here." One of the guy says.

"We just need to make a call." Jo says, Natalie nodding in agreement.

"You don't need to call anyone, baby." The guy tells them. "We're the only help you two are ever gonna need."

"I'm sure." Natalie smiles.

"You know what? I think we should wait by our car." Jo says, Natalie nodding. They turn to leave, but one man grabs Jo's shoulder, the other grabbing Natalie's.

"We said, get your asses in here." The first guy says.

Jo gets him off of her, sending him to the ground. Natalie rips Ruby's knife out of her boot and stabs the guy holding her in the neck. She quickly stabs the second guy as Sam and Dean rush up.

"Nice work." Dean compliments.

"Thanks." The two women chorus.

Dean hands Jo a bag and she pulls out wire cutters.

"Okay. Shall we?" Jo asks.

~ ~ ~

"It's Crowley, right?" Sam asks.

"So. The Hardy Boys and their girl finally found me." Crowley says. "Took you long enough."

Sam and Dean both have shotguns while Natalie still has Ruby's knife.

Crowley walks closer, but stops when he notices the rug messed up. He flips the rug over, finding the devil's trap they drew on the bottom.

"Do you have any idea how much this rug cost?" Crowley asks.

"Do you have any idea how much we don't care?" Natalie retorts.

Three men each grab a Winchester, quickly disarming them, pinning their arms.

"Hey, hey, hey! No need to manhandle me, asshat." Natalie growls, only making him tighten his grip on her arms.

"This is it, right?" Crowley holds the colt up. "This is what it's all about." He aims the gun at Dean. He quickly shoots all three of the men. "We need to talk. Privately." He leads them into a room which Natalie assumes is an office.

"What the hell is this?" Dean asks.

"Do you know how deep I could have buried this thing?" Crowley asks. He waves a hand and the door slams shut. "There's no reason you or anyone should know this even exists, except that I told you."

"You told us?" Sam asks.

"Rumors, innuendo, sent out on the grapevine." Crowley says.

"Why? Why tell us anything?" Sam asks. Crowley aims the gun at Dean again.

"I want you to take this thing to Lucifer and empty it into his face." Crowley says.

"Uh-huh, okay, and why exactly would you want the devil dead?" Dean asks.

"It's called survival." Crowley says, putting the gun down. "Well, I forgot you three at best are functioning morons--"

"You're functioning... morons..." Dean weakly retorts.

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