Louis and Niall

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Requested from @sodatexas

Louis's POV

"Why the heck do we have to carry these ridiculously heavy boxes?" Niall grumbled as we made our way through the hotel lobby? "And more importantly, what is even in these things?" He added.

"I think some recording equipment or something. They don't have enough room in the car for all of this so management's making us keep it in our rooms overnight." I replied.

"Well they could've at least dragged it to our room themselves. These things are heavy." Niall complained.

"Yeah yeah, let's just take the elevator so we don't have to tackle the stairs." I suggested

"I don't like elevators though, especially those." Niall said.


"You know why. My claustrophobia would go crazy in those tiny things." Nialls says.

"It's only a couple of floors Ni, you don't think you could make 30 seconds?"

I hate asking that, especially since I don't know what it's like having claustrophobia. But I also really did not want to try and drag these heavy boxes up two flights of stairs.

"I guess I could try." Niall says, looking a little unsure.

"Come, on, I'll stand next to you the whole time if you want." I offered.

Niall gave an uneasy smile and followed me over to the elevators. I pressed the button and waited on the elevator to take it's slow sweet time getting down here. After another 45 seconds it finally got here so Niall and I got in.

I struggled to press the button on the floor with a big heavy box in my hand while Niall stood in the corner trying to take deep breathes.

"It'll all be over before you even know it." I say, trying to reassure him.

Then the elevator started going up and so far so good. Niall seemed relatively calm and we could put these stupid boxes down soon.

Then a weird sound came from the elevator and it stopped with a jerk causing me to drop the box I was holding onto my foot which hurt like you know what. I crumbled to the floor trying to get the box off but it hurt to even move it slightly. My foot was in so much pain and now Niall was freaking out.

"I think it's s-stuck." Isaid in short ragged breaths.

"No no no no." Niall began to tear up.

I was trying my hardest no to cry myself due to how much pain I was in.

"Niall, hit the emergency button."

I look over and see Niall backed into a corner trying to take deep breaths.

"Hey Ni, I know you're scared bud but you gotta hit the emergency button if you want to get out of here." I say.

He wasn't paying much attention though. That left me with plan B which was to call someone off my phone. I tried my best to feel around my pocket without jostling my leg too much but unfortunately I found my pockets empty. Then I remembered that I stupidly left my phone on my bed in the hotel room. I should've just listened to Niall and taken the stupid stairs in the first place.

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