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***I get frustrated. I know he feels the same.***


"We're almost here" Tsireya shouted, I looked around and saw people of the Ta'unui clan still awake and they noticed our Ilus "Tsi, are you sure we won't get caught?" "Nope! Do you see those people over there? Those are my friends" she smiled and waved at them, and they waved back.

This might go well.

when we got onto shore, tsireya went over and hugged her friends. I looked at Neteyam he was talking to Ao'nung I felt a jealous rage coming inside of me but then I calmly remind myself that they were just friends, when they separated themselves from each other

I walked towards Neteyam smiling at him, but he didn't return the smile "What's wrong?" "Nothing" he rolled his eyes and proceeded to walk away.

Wow. I thought to myself, I shrugged my shoulders and headed towards the group.

"Everyone, this is  Moyiti, Li'era, and yeani, my friends of the Ta'unui Clan" she smiled, and they waved hello we waved back "I see you guys are forest people you don't belong  here," Moyiti said

"What brings you here around the waters" He also mentioned, "They're hiding amongst us, hiding like cowards" Ao'nung replied Tsireya quickly hit his arm "However, Father said to treat them as our own so that's what we're doing here" She turned to her brother "Correct Ao'nung?"

He sighed, "Well, let's head to the hut we don't want to be spotted do we?" Yeani motioned us to follow him. We did

Over here, it's much bigger than the Metkayina clan more space and wider, bigger areas. we arrived at a huge tent it could fit about 50 Na'vi here.

"Sit, sit down" I sat down next to Neteyam, "What are you forest people name?" Li'era looked at us, me especially curiously "I'm Lo'ak, That's Tuk, Kiri, Neteyam, and over there is our close friend Ma'yan" I awkwardly waved hello she smiled big at me.

We talked and talked for what seemed hours, I'd sometimes sneak glances at Neteyam just for him to pay me no mind. I felt like I did something wrong "We should spice this night up". Yeani  got up from his seat and came back with cups and a huge bottle of something "This is called Kauva, it's a drink that can get you  intoxicated"

he gave each of us a cup except tuk "It's made with Rotten Ilu eggs, alcohol, a squeeze of fruit, and a bit of acid" he grinned "Acid?" Kiri said worryingly "Don't worry it won't kill you, just don't drink too much At least"

He poured a small amount into each cup, I was kinda nervous drinking this I mean for starters. Acid? Yeah, that's a hard pass. I quickly put the drink in my mouth it has a weird but sweet taste.

"It's good right?" "Tastes weird but sweet" I replied to him, "That's Kauva for you, does anyone want more?" Ao'nung, Tsireya, and Lo'ak raised their hands. I looked at Neteyam once more but yet again he didn't look at me. And I know he feels me staring

I put my cup down and moved closer to him, tapping twice on his shoulder, then finally he paid attention to me "What's wrong?" I whispered to him,"Nothing..Tsireya I'm going out for a walk" he shouted across the room "Okay!" She responded.

He left the hut I quickly followed behind him "I can when something's wrong you know, You have that look on your face"

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