082. amateurs

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Natalie Tomkins steps into the elevator, hands full of coffees for more of the more important employees, including her boss. She hates being an assistant, but finding a job is too hard to try to find something new.

She glances over at the super tall guy in a yellow shirt that she knows tech support workers wear.

"Do I know you?" The man asks.

"No." She says. "No, not unless you're a... super rich, stuck up asshole who is supposed to be in a meeting right now. Then again, you wouldn't know me, anyways. You'd just call me "hot girl.""

"You just look really familiar. And similar." He says.

"Well, uh... I'm not." She says. The elevator dings and a man in a suit says.

"Do I know you?" The tech guy asks the suit guy.

"I don't think so." He answers.

"I'm sorry, man, you just look really familiar."

"Save it for the health club, pal." The man in the suit walks out of the elevator.

Natalie passes out the coffees as the group continue with their meeting.

"Thank you, sweetheart." One of the men graze his hand over her ass. Natalie forces out a small laugh, fighting every muscle to not punch him.

"Oh, uh, honey?" Her boss calls. "Remember to pick up my dry cleaning."

"Right. Of course." She says.

"Of course..." He trails off knowingly.

"Of course, sir." She says, leaving the room. "God, this is so stupid. Stupid fucking men. We'd be much better off without them, but, no. Cause we need them to reproduce and-and "build things." You know what? If it means no men, I'm okay with the population vanishing into zero."

Natalie is in the elevator with a few other people. It dings and stops and she notices the tech support guy walk in. He notices her and looks away. He tries not to constantly look at her.

The elevator dings again and the man in the suit walks in.

Soon enough, it's just the three of them.

"Can I ask you guys a question?" The tech guy asks.

"I assume me saying "no" isn't gonna stop you." Natalie remarks.

"Look, man, I told you, I'm not into the, uh--"

"Oh, dude, come on, I'm not either. I just wanna ask you one question."

"Sure." The suit guy relents, given he can't exactly escape the situation.

"What do you two think about ghosts?" The tech guy asks.

"Ghosts?" The other two chorus.

"Do you believe in them?" He asks and the suit guy laughs.

"Uh, tell you the truth, I've never given it much thought." He says.

"I... I guess they... they could be real." Natalie shrugs.

"Vampires?" Tech guy asks.

"What? Why?" Suit guy asks.

"Because I've been having some weird dreams lately. You know what I mean?" Tech guy asks.

"No. Not really." The other guy says.

"Not at all." Natalie says, giving him a weird look.

"So you've never had any... weird dreams?" Tech guy asks.

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