3. Sun Clan

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Sun Clan.

Territory land :   Sun Clan doesn't have tree's letting a lot of light in they also have very short nights.

Prey in land :  Mice and Voles are the main prey, as usual they trade for different prey.

Camp : They have nothing that makes shade. All open air.

Average cat in clan looks : thin fur, golden pelt.

Religion :  they think that anything that makes shade instantly sends you to the dark forest.

Leader : Bright'Star / Bright'Heart

First Leader :  Sun'Star / Sun'Flower

Deputy :  Amber'Eye

Elders :  Killer'Claw

Warriors : Feather'Watcher, Stream'Watcher |Ani'Paw|

Apprentice : Ani'Paw

Kits : Blood'Kit

Medicine cat : Lilac'Leaf

Medicine Cat Apprentice :  Dead'Paw

Star clan : None

Past, good :  During a cold front, they let anyone in, being forever called Heaters

Past, bad : They kill anyone none stop

The war, participation :  Killed them all. Is what they think.

How they see Frost Clan :  Dead

How they see Moss Clan :  Dead

How they see Mountain Clan :  Dead

How they see Moon Clan :  Dead

How they see the exciled, different clan :  Dead

How they see the exciled, their clan : Dead

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