Chapter 4

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"Please don't do this." I cry as I'm strapped to a table with a couple of strange men surrounding me. "Stop moving. You'll only make this worse for yourself." One of the men grab onto my arm and inject me with something. "What is that??" "Be quiet." I kept crying until finally I fell asleep.

Hours later I woke up in a small, power dampening cell. I see a man walk towards me. It's him, again. I quickly move back to the back of the cell and pull my legs up to my chest. "This is for you." He sets a plate of food on the floor and kicks it towards me. "I don't want that." "Eat. I don't feel like watching you die in here." "You killed them." "I didn't have a choice. Eat." He glares at me and walks away.

I look at the food on the plate and pick up the roll, eating it slowly. It feels like forever since I had some food. I eat the food quickly and kick the tray back out of the cell. A few minutes later a different man walks in, picks it up, and leaves.

After what feels like days, the scientists come back in and take me back to their lab, continuing their experiments and tests.

"What are you doing to me?" I cry and look up at the one scientist that had shown me compassion. "We're fulfilling Schdmit's dream. With this stone, with you...Hydra will control the world."

- 4 Years Later -

"Good. That's good. Go again." I look over at the Winter Soldier and smirk, throwing a blue energy blast at him. He narrowly dodges it and runs at me. I open my blue portal and teleport behind him, kicking him down to the ground with another blast. He growled and quickly whipped around knocking my feet out from under me. Before I could hit the ground I opened a portal, fell through it, and landed on my feet, knocking him down again with a blast to his back. He got up again and charged at me, but I used my powers to grab one of his feet, causing him to trip and fall face first onto the ground. "Enough soldier." He stood up and walked off the platform. I smiled and looked at the scientist that has been working with me for the past 4 years.

I was no longer a scared and small 16 year old girl. I was a powerful weapon of Hydra's.

I jolted up out of bed again and looked across the room expecting to see Sam but he wasn't there. "Taylor, I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" Dr. Cho walks in.

I thought she got kidnapped... by a robot? At least that's what Sam told me. long was I asleep???

"I'm good, how are you? Sam said you got taken." She smiles and I notice a small cut on her forehead, "Yes, well, I'm back now. I heard you are regaining some of your memories? Any you want to share?" I nod slowly, "I remember being experimented on and trained to fight. By an organization called Hydra. Have you heard of it?" Helen nods, urging me to continue, "The man who caused my parents accident, killed them, and took me, he had a metal arm. After they experimented on me for who knows how long, I eventually trained with him. Once they perfected me into a weapon...they would put me on ice and only brought me out when they needed me, or us." "And who's us?" She looked up from the notepad she was writing on. "Winter Soldier and I."

I look over in the doorway to see Sam standing there with wide eyes. "What do you know about the Winter Soldier?" He takes three large strides over to my bedside. "Not much, just that he was my 'partner' so to speak on the Hydra missions. We worked well as a team. He was always kind to me until they basically put his mind back into the blender." I glanced down at my hands, frowning.

"Is that what they did to you?" Helen spoke up. I shook my head, "No, uh- they used this serum they created that basically gives them total control over my mind. Wasn't permanent but lasted long enough for training and missions. My mind would scream no, but it's like I was trapped. The scientist who oversaw my training and abilities kind of protected me from the total brainwashing in a way .... as messed up as that sounds."

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