Chapter 14 - Demon

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Benny opened the door. Without saying anything entered Frida the house. She had been unusually quiet on the drive home. Benny closed the door behind himself and followed Frida to the living room. Agnetha was sitting on the sofa giving Franny a bottle Frida and appeared for her earlier. 

Frida walked towards Agnetha, took the baby together with the bottle in her arms, simply said "Thank you" to Agnetha and then walked upstairs. 

"What happened?" Agnetha looked questioning at Benny. 

"I do't know she didn't tell me. Everything that I can tell you is that we were there and she just stood there staring at hm through a one-way mirror. I asked her if everything was okay when I saw tears running down her cheeks. At first she didn't answer but after a minute or so did she break down crying in ma arms and told me she wanted to there immediately. That's everything I can tell you." 

"Poor Frida. You should go and look after her. I'll clean up a bit." Agnetha stood up and started to put things away. 

"You're right. I'm upstairs." Benny left Agnetha alone in the living room and went upstairs to his and Fridas bedroom. 

Frida was asleep on the bed when Benny entered. Frinny was also asleep laying on her mothers bare chest. Benny took Frinny away and gently placed her in her crib to undress Frida because she was still wearing jeans and a blouse. Benny went shortly. to the bathroom to put the dirty laundry away when he heard somebody cry form the bedroom. He immediately recognized that it was Frida. 

She sat straight up in the bed crying hysterical. "Where's my daughter?" 

Benny sat down next to her and hugged her. "She is in her crib. I just placed her there so I could undress you and put something more comfortable on. I'll get her. Wait a moment." Benny stood up ad walked towards the crib. Frinny had also started to cry when she heard her mother cry. "Shhh, everything's fine." Benny took her in his arms and gently rocked her before placing her in Fridas arms. "You see, she's completely fine." 

"I'm sorry." Frida opened the upper buttons of her pajama top and gently placed the little girl on her chest. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She helped her latch onto her breast and gently stroke her back while she watched her eat. 

"Hello" Agnetha entered the room. 

"Hej" Benny looked up and smiled at her. 

"How are you?" She sat down next to Frida. 

"Fine." Both, Agnetha and Frida knew that 'fine' wasn't the truth but Agnetha decided to say nothing. 

"Are you hungry?" Benny looked at the women. 

Frida nodded. 

"Fine. I'll go, cook something for dinner. Will you eat with us?" He looked questioning at Agnetha. 


Benny then went to shortly greet the children who were with them that week because they had holidays. "Hey, we're back." 

"Hello Benny. How's Mama?" Hans looked up from the book he was reading? 

"I don't want to lie to you, she's exhausted, physical and mentally so please take it easy on her." 

All four children nodded. Heléne and Peter had accepted Frida as their stepmother faster tan anyone could ever wish and loved her very dearly. They and Hans and Lotta wanted Frida to be fine. Benny realized often how cute they could be though they sometimes acted to rash. 

"Good, I'm downstairs cooking dinner. Agnetha wis with Frida in our bedroom." 

Benny left the children and walked downstairs to cook dinner. 

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